
NetApp Delivers Data Backup and Archive to the Cloud
By Staff Writer 25 February 2015New Solutions Enable Customers to Build a Secure Path for Data from On-premises to Amazon Web Services FULL STORY >

Google digitising British Library treasures
By Johan Keyter 22 June 2011Google Books enters into a partnership with the British Library to digitise some 40 million pages of human history, and make it all fully searchable online. FULL STORY >

Google to digitise Mandela archives
By Johan Keyter 9 March 2011Google announces a $1.25 million grant to help digitise Nelson Mandela's historical archives. FULL STORY >

Preserving the Holocaust archives
By Johan Keyter 27 January 2011Google and Yad Vashem announces a partnership to help migrate the museum's vast archives online. FULL STORY >

July Web Time Wasters
By Hanleigh Daniels 20 July 2010TechSmart scours the web in order to bring you some of the most useful, fun and interesting sites that the web has to offer. FULL STORY >
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