Science - His & Hers

By Linda Pretorius 14 January 2014

In the battle of the sexes, it seems you win some and you lose some. Here’s how men and women’s heads are so very different, yet oh so similar. FULL STORY >


SciNews May 2011

By Linda Pretorius 9 May 2011

Bird lice, contagious yawning and bitter tastes all make up this month's science news. FULL STORY >


Avatar Forum

By Hanleigh Daniels 12 January 2010

Pandora, from the film Avatar, is not a real planet. A simple concept for most of us to grasp, but apparently some people are struggling to cope with this harsh reality. One of the more interesting threads on the Avatar Forums offers those in despair some tips on coping. FULL STORY >


Intel Brain Chip Research

By Thomas McKinnon 11 January 2010

Intel's Dean Pomerleau is currently working on a project to implant chips directly in the human brain. The electronic chips will allow humans to operate computers, surf the web and manipulate other electronic devices without the need of a third party interface, like a... FULL STORY >


The New Brain

By Mike Joubert 6 May 2009

Just how far are we from recreating the human brain? Now movies like A.I., The Matrix, iRobot seem to suggest that machines can attain a level of human like intelligence.Two big scientific attempts the past number of years show that ?¡recreating the human brain might just be... FULL STORY >

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