Bungie unpacks seasonal changes for Destiny 2

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 23 October 2017

At TwitchCon this past weekend, Bungie detailed what the seasonal changes in Destiny 2 will bring. FULL STORY >


Twitter details forthcoming measures to fight harassment on its platform

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 20 October 2017

Following the recent sexual harassment saga on Twitter, the company has outlined what measures it will be taking in coming months. FULL STORY >


Twitter VP says harassment fixes coming later this week

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 31 January 2017

Twitter's VP of engineering, Ed Ho, says the company will be making changes to address harassment on its platform later this week. FULL STORY >


Technology is changing workforce roles, demographics and expectations

By Press Release 15 November 2016

From connected smart devices, sensors, cloud, big data and analytics, technology is democratising the workplace and putting the “human” back in “human capital,” says Dr. Roze Phillips, MD for Accenture Consulting. FULL STORY >


Acer reveals its personal evolution

By Ryan Noik 10 August 2011

Acer explains how a changing world has compelled it to begin a company-based evolution of its own. FULL STORY >

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