Finding legal images online
By Thomas McKinnon 10 July 2009Google have now taken steps to make identifying licensed images on its Image Search a little easier. FULL STORY >

Creative Commons
By Mike Joubert 2 July 2009Thanks to the PC and the Net many people are turning their backs on the old ÔÇ£all rights reservedÔÇØ paradigm and ?¡embracing Creative Commons. FULL STORY >

Illegal downloads cost US woman 2 million dollars
By Thomas McKinnon 19 June 2009US jury returned a verdict against Thomas-Rasset yesterday ordering her to pay some $80 000 in damages per track for downloading 24 tracks illegally. FULL STORY >

P2P file-sharing
By Thomas McKinnon 12 June 2009If youÔÇÖve ever used LimeWire or a BitTorrent site then youÔÇÖve engaged in file-sharing, and according to some youÔÇÖre liable for prosecution. Moving beyond the legal realm, file-sharing is also an ethical issue. So we put it to you; is P2P file-sharing right or wrong? FULL STORY >

World Copyright Summit
By Thomas McKinnon 8 June 2009The International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers (CISAC), headed by Robin Gibb of Bee GeesÔÇÖ fame, is hosting the second World Copyright Summit this week in Washington DC. FULL STORY >
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