
Acer Aspire 7740G notebook
By Mike Joubert 18 May 2010The Acer 7740G is a very powerful 17 inch laptop with a solid CPU and a zippy GPU capable of handling DirectX 11, all at a very generous price point. FULL STORY >

Kamal Vasram on Intel Core Processors
By Mike Joubert 9 April 2010Intels new range of processors has hit the market. We talk to Kamal Vasram, channel field sales engineer at Intel South Africa, to get some clarity on what the new Core i range might mean for you. FULL STORY >

Intel continue to lead processor game
By Staff Writer 8 January 2010Intel announced the release of more than 25 new Core processor yesterday at CES, including the worlds first full volume production 32 nm processor. FULL STORY >
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