
To give its army added edge, DARPA is working on unjammable chip
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 13 January 2016In an effort to give the US military a communication advantage, DARPA is currently developing an unjammable chip to combat the use of electronic warfare. FULL STORY >

MIT Cheetah II robot hurdles obstacles with ease
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 29 May 2015Starting to perform far more like its namesake, the DARPA-funded and MIT designed Cheetah II robot can now hurdle multiple objects with relative ease. FULL STORY >

DARPA working on advanced GPS technology
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 27 March 2015As a means of increasing its military effectiveness, DARPA is working on a more stable and secure technological alternative to GPS. FULL STORY >
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