God of War III Remastered trailer shown running at 1080p/60fps

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 22 May 2015

While the Ghost of Sparta's story has come to a conclusion, this new remastered video for God of War III makes one ready to pick up the controller once more. FULL STORY >


Improving the customer experience – just one more reason to invest in big data and data quality solutions

By Staff Writer 20 May 2015

The key to attracting, and perhaps more importantly retaining, customers, lies in delivering enhanced value and a better customer experience, believes Gary Allemann, Managing Director,... FULL STORY >


Telkom launches FutureMakers – driving ICT innovation and growth

By Staff Writer 7 May 2015

Telkom today announced an investment of over R100 million in enterprise and supplier development with the launch of its FutureMakers programme. FULL STORY >


Tarsus Cloud On Demand invests R2 million in local cloud market

By Staff Writer 6 May 2015

South Africans can now experience and take advantage of Azure like services, with the announcement that Tarsus Cloud On Demand, will be offering customers the ability to tap into on-premise, off-premise as well as hybrid cloud... FULL STORY >


Marketing has been mobilized

By Staff Writer 6 May 2015

The success of mobile marketing with consumers makes this a potentially valuable asset in B2B communications. FULL STORY >


Avengers: Age of Ultron trailer gets impressive Lego-remake

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 24 April 2015

Although we're not too sure how long it took to make, this new Lego-remake trailer for Marvel's Avengers: Age of Ultron is pretty darn impressive. Now we need a full movie. FULL STORY >


Overlord: Fellowship of Evil confirmed

By Ryan Noik 24 April 2015

Good news - another Overlord game is indeed on its way, bringing more of the twisted take on the fantasy genre, and four evil-doers to rampage with. FULL STORY >


New research reveals wide gap between perception and reality of perimeter security effectiveness

By Staff Writer 15 April 2015

Security company Gemalto, has released the latest findings of the 2015 Data Security Confidence Index (DSCI). The report reveals a widening gap emerging between the perception and the reality of... FULL STORY >


Star Wars Digital Movie Collection arriving on 10 April

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 7 April 2015

As a late gift for Easter, Lucasfilm is releasing a new digital HD version of the current Star Wars saga on 10 April, along with exclusive extras and behind-the-scenes content. FULL STORY >


F1 2015 out of blocks in June

By Mike Joubert 27 March 2015

Word is that F1 2015 will be released in June locally, appearing much earlier in the F1 season than before and also debuting on the Xbox One and PS4. FULL STORY >


All New, All Different Avengers get female Thor and Ms. Marvel

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 25 March 2015

Following its most recent moves to create less gender-biased comic book content, Marvel has unveiled the first two members of the new Avengers - Ms. Marvel and the female Thor. FULL STORY >


God of War III is coming to PS4

By Ryan Noik 20 March 2015

In the latest breaking news, it has been confirmed that a remastered version of God of War III is set to join the PS4's library in the next few months. FULL STORY >


Cameras ensure 45% accident reduction

By Staff Writer 17 March 2015

According to a survey by Intelligent Telematics, a global integrated camera tracking solution provider, vehicle cameras have shown a reduction in accident frequency of 45 percent. FULL STORY >


Top 5 Comics of 2014

By Moray Rhoda 5 December 2014

Our comic book guru Moray Rhoda believes it would have been too easy to include Saga or The Walking Dead on this list or to sing the praises of Deadly Class again. Instead he picked some books that truly surprised him with their level of art and storytelling. FULL STORY >


Canon SA helps light-up 250 homes

By Staff Writer 15 October 2014

The Canon Segametsi SOLAR Light Project 2014 has seen over 200 BettaLight solar lighting units installed in underprivileged homes in the communities of Khatorus and New Jerusalem in the past two months. A further 50 homes in New Jerusalem will also soon benefit... FULL STORY >

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