Xbox Guinness World Record attempt succeeds

By Staff Writer 4 May 2011

Xbox Nations sees Xbox LIVE members from around the globe setting a new Guinness World Record. FULL STORY >


Microsoft launches Kinect Sports Calorie Challenge

By Staff Writer 29 April 2011

Microsoft announces a new game add-on Kinect Sports: Calorie Challenge for the Xbox 360's Kinect system. FULL STORY >


WWE All Stars

By Hanleigh Daniels 18 April 2011

THQ serves up a wrestling hit filled with nostalgia that will have you doing battle with your favourite past and present WWE wrestlers. FULL STORY >


EA possibly working on new Ultima game

By Johan Keyter 31 March 2011

A number of hints are dropped indicating that EA may be working on a revival of the classic Ultima series of role-playing games. FULL STORY >


MotorStorm Apocalypse delayed in the UK but not SA

By Hanleigh Daniels 16 March 2011

The next chapter in the popular MotorStorm series has been delayed in many areas due to the similarities between the game's setting and natural disasters that have struck places like Japan recently. FULL STORY >


Ubisoft announce Rocksmith guitar game

By Hanleigh Daniels 16 March 2011

Ubisoft announce a new music game that won't just have you virtually living the rockstar lifestyle, but actually improve your real life playing skills. FULL STORY >


Homefront preview

By Johan Keyter 15 March 2011

We take a sneak peek at the upcoming first person shooter Homefront, getting a feel for what it means to fight in an occupied country. FULL STORY >


Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds

By Johan Keyter 14 March 2011

Marvel vs. Capcom 3 sees two of the gaming world's most influential universes clash in a fast-paced, vibrant fighting game. FULL STORY >


Marvel Super Hero Squad: The Infinity Gauntlet

By Hanleigh Daniels 14 March 2011

Like Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds, this title brings together some of the comic books world's best loved characters, but thats about the best thing one can say about it. FULL STORY >


Sony bringing PS games to Tegra-powered Android devices

By Hanleigh Daniels 11 March 2011

It would appear that the Sony Ericsson Xperia Play isn't going to be the only mobile to run PlayStation games, in fact other smartphones (and tablets) will be running these as well. FULL STORY >


MWEB goes for gaming

By Staff Writer 7 March 2011

Riding on the back of the successful launch of COD: Black Ops, MWEB is looking to expand its platform further. FULL STORY >


Test Drive Unlimited 2

By Johan Keyter 2 March 2011

We put peddle to the metal and check out the interactive new world of Test Drive Unlimited 2. FULL STORY >


Guitar Hero refuses to die

By Johan Keyter 28 February 2011

When everyone thought it was over, it seems Guitar Hero will be sticking around for a final encore. FULL STORY >


Gears of War 3 launch date confirmed

By Hanleigh Daniels 24 February 2011

One of the most anticipated run-and-gun titles for Microsoft's Xbox 360 gaming console gets dated. FULL STORY >


Gaming news round-up -The complaints and rumours edition

By Staff Writer 18 February 2011

All the latest gaming news you need before the weekend. FULL STORY >

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