Google releases Android usage data - November 2012

By Hanleigh Daniels 5 November 2012

Google makes the latest Android version user figures available. FULL STORY >


Adobe launches Photoshop and Premiere Elements 11

By Ryan Noik 25 September 2012

Adobe has launched its new entry-level imaging and video-editing software programmes, which bring a revamped interface and new features to their capabilities. FULL STORY >


BBM included in Collins English Dictionary

By Hanleigh Daniels 14 September 2012

BBM has been officially added in the latest edition of the Collins English Dictionary. FULL STORY >


Google takes a stand against pirated content

By Ryan Noik 14 August 2012

Google has updated its search algorithms to bury pirated content lower in its search results. FULL STORY >


Twitter records for London 2012 Olympics

By Hanleigh Daniels 13 August 2012

Twitter takes a look back at the London 2012 Olympic Games and the record tweet tallies it produced. FULL STORY >


3CX phone system increases business efficiency

By Staff Writer 14 June 2012

B&D System Engineers believes businesses can transform the way they communicate and save a significant 80 on line rentals and call charges, by taking advantage of 3CX IP PBX VoIP. FULL STORY >


Google releases latest Android usage data - June 2012

By Hanleigh Daniels 4 June 2012

Google makes the latest usage figures surrounding its Android mobile operating system available. FULL STORY >


Twitter announces site performance enhancements

By Hanleigh Daniels 30 May 2012

The popular social networking site Twitter reveals some measures it has taken to improve the loading and page rendering times of the site. FULL STORY >


Samsung and Qualcomm form Alliance for Wireless Power

By Hanleigh Daniels 8 May 2012

Korean tech giant Samsung and mobile processor maker Qualcomm join forces on wireless charging technology, by forming the Alliance for Wireless Power. FULL STORY >


Google releases latest Android usage data - May 2012

By Hanleigh Daniels 3 May 2012

Search giant Google reveals which versions of its mobile operating system are the most used via the latest Android version usage data. FULL STORY >


Twitter announces its Innovator's Patent Agreement

By Hanleigh Daniels 18 April 2012

Popular social networking destination Twitter reveals its Innovator's Patent Agreement, via which the site commits to using its patents for defensive purposes and not as a revenue generating tool. FULL STORY >


Twitter takes spammers to court

By Hanleigh Daniels 10 April 2012

The popular social networking site Twitter has filed a lawsuit in a US federal court against five spammers and spamming tool providers. FULL STORY >


Gaming News Round-up - EUFA EURO 2012 edition

By Staff Writer 30 March 2012

In gaming this week: Euro 2012 will be coming to FIFA 12 via DLC, the FBI has its eyes set on games and new Forza Motorsport 4 DLC on the way. FULL STORY >


Twitter turns six years old

By Hanleigh Daniels 22 March 2012

Micro-blogging site Twitter celebrates its sixth year of existence. FULL STORY >


Google hints at dramatic changes in search engine

By Ryan Noik 15 March 2012

Google is about to set in motion a change to its search functionality that is being called the largest in the search giant's history. FULL STORY >

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