Microsoft blows its IE9 trumpet
By Hanleigh Daniels 2 March 2011More milestones announced for Microsoft's IE9 browser. FULL STORY >

Vietnam bans late night online gaming
By Johan Keyter 23 February 2011The Vietnamese government has announced new measures to impose a curfew on online gamers. FULL STORY >

Kaspersky Lab provides IT threat forecast for 2011-2020
By Hanleigh Daniels 22 February 2011IT security provider Kaspersky Lab foretells of the changes in IT threats and security over the coming decade. FULL STORY >

Microsoft reveals findings of cloud computing business survey
By Staff Writer 22 February 2011Microsoft has revealed the findings of a recent cloud computing business survey, which indicated that SA businesses are surprisingly clued up on the subject matter. FULL STORY >

Microsoft cross download milestone for IE9 RC
By Hanleigh Daniels 17 February 2011Redmond reveals that the latest edition of its web browser (IE9 RC) has crossed the two million mark in user downloads. FULL STORY >

Tech News Round-up - Mobile world edition
By Hanleigh Daniels 11 February 2011HP unveils two new webOS-running smartphones in this week's Tech News Round-up, whilst RIM plans to bring Android apps to the BlackBerry PlayBook. FULL STORY >

Survey indicates need for parents to prioritise online safety
By Hanleigh Daniels 9 February 2011Microsoft reveals the results of an MSN survey concerning the attitudes and behaviour of parents and their children around issues of online safety. FULL STORY >

The world's most expensive broadband
By Johan Keyter 9 February 2011As South Africans we've become accustomed to high broadband prices, but our financial woes are nothing compared to that of the people of Turkmenistan. FULL STORY >

Vodacom's surge in Opera Mini data usage
By Hanleigh Daniels 8 February 2011Vodacom reveals a boost in the use of Opera Softwares Opera mini mobile browser following the running of a promotional competition. FULL STORY >

Google executive missing in Egypt
By Johan Keyter 7 February 2011As unrest continues in Egypt, internet search giant Google reports that one of its employees has gone missing. FULL STORY >

Five telecoms trends to watch in 2011
By Staff Writer 7 February 2011Tim Walter, general manager for Product and Marketing at Nashua Mobile, gives his view on what telecoms trends will feature prominently during 2011. FULL STORY >

Tech News Round-up - Web edition
By Hanleigh Daniels 4 February 2011The iPad 2 is spotted in this week's Tech News Round-up, whilst a new IP, IPv6, is required for the future of the net. FULL STORY >

SA's mobile internet habits exposed
By Johan Keyter 2 February 2011The Mobility 2011 research project exposes the online habits of South African mobile phone users. FULL STORY >

More usage stats on IE9
By Hanleigh Daniels 1 February 2011Redmond's web browser Internet Explorer 9, which is still a beta release, continues to grow its market share. FULL STORY >

Egypt's last line of communication
By Johan Keyter 1 February 2011Google and Twitter have revealed a fix which allows Egyptians to share their tweets, even under an internet blackout. FULL STORY >
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