SAP Dual Study Program launched in SA in partnership with the Maharishi Institute

By Staff Writer 29 September 2015

Along with the launch of the South African chapter of its SAP Skills for Africa Program, SAP Africa has also detailed a new Dual Study Program with the Maharishi Institute. FULL STORY >


Risk lurking in social media for educational institutions

By Staff Writer 15 September 2015

An educator’s well-intended advice to a parent on how to medicate their child’s flu could very well result in a lawsuit on the basis of vicarious liability FULL STORY >


Aon report reveals extent of cyber losses in Africa, Middle East and Europe

By Staff Writer 23 June 2015

More than a third of risk professionals throughout Africa, Europe and the Middle East have experienced a material or significantly disruptive loss relating to a data breach or security exploit in the past 24 months with... FULL STORY >


Star Wars Digital Movie Collection arriving on 10 April

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 7 April 2015

As a late gift for Easter, Lucasfilm is releasing a new digital HD version of the current Star Wars saga on 10 April, along with exclusive extras and behind-the-scenes content. FULL STORY >


Hi-tec Altitude Pro RGS

By Ryan Noik 27 August 2014

With spring swiftly approaching, it’s high time to haul out a good pair of hiking boots. Don’t have ones? Hi-tec’s Altitude Pro should be on your feet. FULL STORY >


Dell introduces Latitude Rugged Extreme lineup

By Staff Writer 8 April 2014

Dell today announced the launch of both the Latitude 14 Rugged Extreme notebook and the Latitude 12 Rugged Extreme convertible notebook for customers who require powerful solutions that can survive unforgiving conditions. FULL STORY >


Apple showcases iOS 7

By Hanleigh Daniels 11 June 2013

Apple finally announces iOS 7, the new iteration of its mobile platform for iPhones, iPads, and iPod touches. FULL STORY >


iTunes Store launches locally

By Ryan Noik 4 December 2012

Apple has announced that the full version of its music section of the iTunes Store has been made available to South African users. FULL STORY >


ITU releases latest global technology development figures

By Hanleigh Daniels 15 October 2012

The ITU makes its latest worldwide technology development stats available. FULL STORY >


ITU - ICT services are coming down

By Hanleigh Daniels 15 October 2012

The ITU finds that the price of Information Communication Technology services globally have decreased by 30% between 2008 and 2011. FULL STORY >


UN agency aims to end patent wars between smartphone makers

By Hanleigh Daniels 9 July 2012

The International Telecommunication Union is engaging with mobile device firms and other stakeholders to end rampant patent lawsuits. FULL STORY >


South African Serious Games Institute launches inaugural GAMEshop

By Ryan Noik 25 June 2012

The South African Serious Games Institute is holding the first of its annual GAMEshop events. FULL STORY >


RIM opens BlackBerry apps lab at Tukkies

By Hanleigh Daniels 30 May 2012

Canadian smartphone and tablet maker RIM unveils the new BlackBerry apps lab at the University of Pretoria. FULL STORY >


Adobe acquires Auditude

By Ryan Noik 1 November 2011

Adobe has acquired Auditude in a move that it claims will offer premium digital publishers unprecedented business opportunities. FULL STORY >


Apple sinks pro-Palestinian iPhone app

By Johan Keyter 28 June 2011

Apple removes pro-Palestinian application from its iTunes store, stresses developer guidelines yet keeps pro-Isreali app in place. FULL STORY >

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