The future of digital identity in South Africa

By Industry Contributor 14 May 2024

By iiDENTIFii CEO and co-founder Gur Geva FULL STORY >


What you can expect from digital identity in 2024

By Industry Contributor 22 November 2023

By iiDENTIFii Chief Strategy Officer, Lance Fanaroff FULL STORY >


The short answer to long passwords

By Staff Writer 12 October 2022

Gur Geva, Co-Founder and CEO of iiDENTIFii, explains why passwords are headed the same way as the dinosaurs, and why we will be safer without the need for them. FULL STORY >


The high walls of data security

By Industry Contributor 18 May 2022

Privacy, data security, digital identity – walled security gardens are becoming increasingly important tools for organisations looking to embed robust security says Aaron Thornton, CSO at Turrito Networks Chief Service Officer at Turrito Networks FULL STORY >


Cyberthreats in South Africa are rising, but businesses still lack strong identity protection

By Industry Contributor 4 February 2022

Microsoft’s threat and data research shows just 22 percent of Cloud Identity Solution and Azure Active Directory users have implemented strong identity authentication protection FULL STORY >


Digital identity - A crucial business requirement post-Covid

By Staff Writer 29 November 2021

Along with possible vaccination mandates, digital authentication is being pushed into the limelight in the wake of the latest variant of the Covid-19 virus. FULL STORY >


Industry Insight - Unlocking the power of digital identity

By Industry Contributor 9 September 2021

Suren Pillat and Sean Mouton from Absa unpack why self-sovereign digital identity is a game changer for financial inclusion in Africa FULL STORY >


Kaspersky offers insight into the right way to break up with Twitter

By Ryan Noik 7 August 2019

If you have decided to break up with Twitter, what’s the best way to do so? Cybersecurity company Kaspersky recently offered its advice on what - and what not - to do. FULL STORY >


Tackling the Trillion Dollar Identity Fraud Crises

By Staff Writer 4 June 2019

Online identity theft syndicates are dealt a significant blow as proven remote digital identity technology platform goes mainstream. FULL STORY >


Digital Identity: Defining ourselves in a virtual world

By Opinion 25 April 2018

SAP Africa’s Head of Innovation and South Africa’s Mars One candidate, Dr Adriana Marais, talks about taking back ownership of our identities in the digital world, through the compelling application of blockchain. FULL STORY >


POPIA and electronic visitor identity management in SA

By Opinion 15 March 2018

Ideco CEO Marius Coetzee feels strongly about visitor identity management as a requirement in terms of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, and says that it is very important from a safety perspective where a detailed log of all visitors... FULL STORY >


The Yellow Pages moves into digital era with new logo and platform

By Press Release 7 March 2018

The Yellow Pages has aimed to leverage its 68 years of history, and move into the digital era by reimagining the brand and optimising search efficiency on their app. FULL STORY >


Don’t lose your head this Black Friday

By Opinion 22 November 2017

Fraud syndicates are likely preparing to pounce as shoppers throw caution to the wind in the Black Friday shopping frenzy. The key to safe shopping this Black Friday is to stay vigilant and watch your credit card, says Ideco Biometrics CEO Marius... FULL STORY >


Identity ecosystem must learn from banks’ example

By Opinion 14 November 2017

There are clear parallels between the development of financial services and identity verification ecosystems, but the identity ecosystem has to take urgent steps to catch up with the banking ecosystem, says Marius Coetzee, MD of Ideco. FULL STORY >


Ideco reveals plan and new app to combat identity theft

By Ryan Noik 26 September 2017

In a bid to combat the scourge of identity theft, South African biometrics company Ideco unveiled its next generation identity assurance ecosystem.. FULL STORY >

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