New digital boost for South Africa’s fight against COVID-19

By Press Release 26 May 2020

A United Nations agency has gone live with a new COVID-19 Self-Diagnostic Application & Predictive Modelling Dashboard, a digital tool to both help South Africans self-assess their COVID-19 symptoms, and aid government efforts to... FULL STORY >


Microsoft Build 2020 Part 2: Building strategies for a tumultuous present and brighter future

By Ryan Noik 26 May 2020

Microsoft's Build 2020 conference unpacked the benefits of Developer Velocity, how businesses can better achieve it, and why analytics is so important now to business agility. FULL STORY >


Microsoft Build 2020 Part 1: Building strategies for a tumultuous present and brighter future

By Ryan Noik 26 May 2020

Even as the Coronavirus pandemic is tearing at established ways of doing things and a variety of industries, it is reassuring that some things go on nonetheless. For example, Microsoft’s Build 2020... FULL STORY >


Why South African enterprises will benefit the most from 5G technology

By Industry Contributor 25 May 2020

By Grant Chivandire, Deloitte Africa TMT Senior Manager FULL STORY >


Fitbit introduces new COVID-19 resource for South Africans

By Staff Writer 25 May 2020

Fitbit has announced it is introducing a designated COVID-19 tab in its app FULL STORY >


Kyocera moves into online retail to meet home office needs

By Press Release 22 May 2020

COVID-19 has made it likely that most companies will continue to support and encourage flexible working arrangements, and it is expected that many workers will continue to work from home. FULL STORY >


Not so fast – this is what you should know about internet speed test

By Industry Contributor 22 May 2020

By Keith Laaks, Executive Head - Technology at Vox FULL STORY >


Cisco extols employee wellbeing and the benefits of a four day work week

By Ryan Noik 22 May 2020

Companies are not just rising to the challenge of implementing remote working in light of the pandemic. Increasingly, forward thinking tech companies are paying attention to fostering employee health and wellbeing as well. FULL STORY >


Paying ransom doubles cost of recovering from a Ransomware attack

By Staff Writer 21 May 2020

Global survey shows the average cost of recovery is $1.4 million if organisations pay the ransom, $730 000 if they don’t. FULL STORY >


Lockdown gives South Africa’s online consumers an opportunity to prioritise what really matters

By Staff Writer 21 May 2020

52% increased their time on leisure activities and only 47% could work from home according to GfK research. FULL STORY >


Eaton introduces xStorage Home, maximising off-grid energy in South Africa

By Staff Writer 20 May 2020

Power management company Eaton has introduced xStorage Home to the South African market. FULL STORY >


Tips to keep your tech gear clean - Lenovo

By Staff Writer 20 May 2020

Wash your hands, but also your smartphone and notebook. FULL STORY >


Is it time for a new capital markets system?

By Staff Writer 19 May 2020

Amongst the many things that the coronavirus pandemic has exposed, it is the frailties of our current capital markets system. But Connie Bloem, platform owner at Andile Solutions posits that the time is ripe for a change, and explains the role that... FULL STORY >


Interview with Absa’s Sandro Bucchianeri: Staying secure in a pandemic

By Ryan Noik 15 May 2020

Recently we sat down with Absa group chief security officer Sandro Bucchianeri to discuss Absa's approach to cybersecurity, pandemics, and dealing with unforeseen threats. FULL STORY >


Industry Insight - Will the real AI please stand up?

By Industry Contributor 14 May 2020

Bradley Pulford, Executive Director and General Manager of Channel and Distribution at Dell Technologies, drills down into the basics and intricacies of what AI is and why a good understanding of it matters. FULL STORY >

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