Lego returns to galaxy far, far away with Star Wars: The Force Awakens

By Staff Writer 3 February 2016

Lego has really been spoiling fans. Not only has Lego Marvel’s Avengers been released, but now they have also announced that Star Wars: The Force Awakens is being turned into a game. FULL STORY >


Geek News Highlights - The Coming Into Focus Edition

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 9 October 2014

This week's Geek News has something for everybody, as Bradley Cooper's new military biopic American Sniper comes into focus. Also in the mix is news surrounding Twin Peaks and Myst TV shows, as well as trailers for The Flash and Pixar's... FULL STORY >


Lego Star Wars III: The Clone Wars

By Johan Keyter 7 April 2011

We travel to a galaxy far far away to join Obi-Wan, Anakin, Yoda and the rest in a new block busting Lego Star Wars adventure. FULL STORY >

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