MotorStorm Apocalypse delayed in the UK but not SA

By Hanleigh Daniels 16 March 2011

The next chapter in the popular MotorStorm series has been delayed in many areas due to the similarities between the game's setting and natural disasters that have struck places like Japan recently. FULL STORY >


MotorStorm Arctic Edge

By Hanleigh Daniels 20 November 2009

MotorStorm Arctic Edge for the PSP Go takes the racing game franchise to Alaska\'s icy slopes and snow-covered race tracks with some new vehicles and features. FULL STORY >


MotorStorm Pacific Rift

By Kirsty Melville 29 January 2009

The second instalment of the best-selling PS3 brutal off road racer leaves Monument Valley for a Pacific island of dense jungle, thick swamps, towering peaks and steaming volcanoes. But don\'t let the tranquil scenery fool you; this new setting is as violent and... FULL STORY >

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