Neural connections
By Linda Pretorius 8 May 2009Scientists say in an April issue of the journal Science, that large amounts of proteins clog up the neural connections in sleep-deprived brains. FULL STORY >

The New Brain
By Mike Joubert 6 May 2009Just how far are we from recreating the human brain? Now movies like A.I., The Matrix, iRobot seem to suggest that machines can attain a level of human like intelligence.Two big scientific attempts the past number of years show that ?¡recreating the human brain might just be... FULL STORY >

Who to vote for
By Thomas McKinnon 16 April 2009ollowing the lead of various US sites covering elections, the Mail & Guardian has launched an interactive quiz that is designed to discover where you actually stand on some of the more pressing election issues. FULL STORY >

IBMs smart water solutions
By Thomas McKinnon 16 March 2009The smart water portfolio forms part of IBMÔÇÖs larger Smarter Planet strategy in which the company intends to encourage the development of more intelligence driven societies by more effectively using instrumented and interconnected devices. FULL STORY >

By Andrew Gould 10 July 2008News just in: ÔÇ£South Africa has discovered its sense of humour, finallyÔÇØ. FULL STORY >
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