Cooperative Mobility Ecosystem detailed by Honda at CES 2017
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 6 January 2017Teased late last year, but fully unveiled, Honda reveals the details of its Cooperative Mobility Ecosystem at CES 2017. FULL STORY >

Canon Inc. to acquire Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation shares and make it a subsidiary
By Press Release 22 December 2016Canon Inc. announced today that a resolution was passed at a Board of Directors meeting to acquire the shares of Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation and make the company a subsidiary, as the necessary... FULL STORY >

Scientists discover first feathered dinosaur tail encased in amber
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 9 December 2016Perfectly preserved in amber and estimated at 99 million years old. FULL STORY >

Facebook, Twitter and others are creating database of terrorist content
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 6 December 2016The end goal for this database is to pool together photos and videos used by terrorist organisations to recruit people via social media. FULL STORY >

Surviving the age of digital disruption – A non-profit survival guide
By Press Release 1 December 2016Despite 98% of non-profits indicating that technology is very important to their operations, the sector still faces challenges to its digital transformation, compared to other industries. FULL STORY >

Samsung’s Digital Hospital Management Systems improve efficiency
By Press Release 30 November 2016Revolutionary treatment technologies are fast improving healthcare around the world. Supporting this, Samsung’s innovative digital hospital management systems further enhance patient-centric care and hospital efficiency. FULL STORY >

Microsoft partners with NGOs, enabling them to do good, even better
By Ryan Noik 30 November 2016Technology is often lauded for ushering in the 'next big thing', but perhaps less so for the positive impact it can have on organisations dedicated to saving lives. That, however, was exactly the focus of a recent Microsoft... FULL STORY >

Next iPhone could sport curved display, new iPad may ditch home button
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 29 November 2016Apple's forthcoming iterations to the iPhone and iPad will feature significant changes if rumours are to be believed. FULL STORY >

Microsoft Underground Tour: HoloLens and beyond
By Ryan Noik 25 November 2016As we headed to the home stretch, it was time to reach the pinnacle of the Microsoft Underground Tour, and a chance to go hands on with Microsoft’s mixed reality device, HoloLens. FULL STORY >

Microsoft Underground Tour: A Time for Transformation
By Ryan Noik 25 November 2016The penultimate in-depth topic before the conclusion of our report back from Microsoft’s Underground tour. Held at Microsoft HQ in Redmond, Washington, the next topic was also one of the most alluring – digital transformation. FULL STORY >

First poster for Alien: Covenant surfaces as release date gets pushed back
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 25 November 2016With release of the next chapter in the Alien franchise delayed by three months, producers unveil the film's first poster to whet the appetite. FULL STORY >

Microsoft Underground Tour: Technology for the good of all Part 2
By Ryan Noik 24 November 2016With examples given of actual cases where Microsoft had challenged the government and won, the conversation on cloud quickly turned to a critical key – trust. FULL STORY >

9 simple security steps to stay safe online during the holidays
By Press Release 24 November 2016James Lyne, global head of security research, Sophos, reminds consumers to pay extra attention with nine simple security steps to stay safe online during the holidays. FULL STORY >

Telegram launches anonymous blogging platform named Telegraph
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 24 November 2016The company behind the Telegram encrypted messaging platform has launched a new blogging site named Telegraph that does not require sign up or linking to social media to work. FULL STORY >

What Microsoft’s HoloLens Means for the Future of Augmented & Mixed Reality
By Press Release 24 November 2016While the consumer tech world has been abuzz with excitement over Virtual Reality (VR) and its pioneers (Oculus Rift, for one), there are strong indications that Augmented Reality (AR) and ‘mixed reality’... FULL STORY >
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