By 24 November 2016 | Categories: news


The company behind Telegram, the encrypted instant messaging platform, has a new offering that it recently launched - Telegraph. It's a blogging platform that allows users to post things anonymously. Furthermore, it does not require any sign up or linking to social media accounts in order to work. You simply visit the site, type in the post's subject, author and body, and you're good to go. 

We tried it out ourselves, and the simple, clean design is great. Once you hit the publish button, posts are instantaneously viewable, and can be shared across one's social media platforms should you wish. While Telegram has not detailed which is the best way to make use of this new blogging tool, The Verge points out that it works well on the IM platform's Instant View feature. 

Despite being very straightforward to use, there isn't much in terms of archiving, so if you lose the link to a post, it's difficult to track down once again. Another possible concern is the creation of fake news, as posts are anonymous, something that Google and Facebook have been actively combating recently. 

Still in its infancy, it should prove interesting to see how users make the most of Telegraph.


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