The Next Einstein Forum launches search for 54 of Africa's top young science and technology ambassadors

By Staff Writer 24 July 2015

The Next Einstein Forum (NEF) has launched the search for 54 of Africa's top young science and technology ambassadors, one from each African country. FULL STORY >


Hot New Trailers - Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection F

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 23 July 2015

While the new Dragon Ball TV series is running in Japan, English-speaking audiences can look forward to a new DBZ movie entitled Resurrection F, which sees the return of Frieza. FULL STORY >


Hot new trailers - The Good Dinosaur

By Staff Writer 23 July 2015

With Pixar’s Inside Out currently doing business at number four on the SA Box Office charts, another Disney movie has received a trailer. FULL STORY >


6 Tips for kick-starting an e-commerce site for your small business

By Staff Writer 23 July 2015

Joining the world of electronic commerce may seem daunting if you’re running a small business, but it is easier than ever to get up-and-running with a digital storefront. FULL STORY >


Q&A, Mark Bradshaw, SNAPnSAVE

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 22 July 2015

Having recently made a debut in the local retail and app space, we chat to SNAPnSAVE CEO Mark Bradshaw about its development and the disruptive effect of digital coupons. FULL STORY >


Philips Saeco Intelia Evo

By Mike Joubert 22 July 2015

For some cup-to-bean coffee is still the business, and for them the Philips Saeco Intelia Evo will be the real deal. FULL STORY >


NASA-funded study says humans could build base on Moon in 10 years

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 21 July 2015

Following the 46th Anniversary of the Apollo 11 lunar landing mission, a new NASA-funded study claims that humans can build a Moon-base within a decade. FULL STORY >


GSK and Save the Children launch 2015 call for developing country healthcare innovations to reduce child deaths

By Staff Writer 21 July 2015

GSK and Save the Children today announced the launch of their third annual $1 million Healthcare Innovation Award that rewards innovations in healthcare that have helped to reduce... FULL STORY >


Samsung unveils Galaxy Tab S2 tablets in two different sizes

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 20 July 2015

Just as Samsung's new Galaxy S6 has reaffirmed the company's position in smartphones, the company has debuted two new Galaxy Tab S2s to try and do the same for tablets. FULL STORY >


Locally developed shopping app SNAPnSAVE launched in SA

By Staff Writer 17 July 2015

Free, mobile and locally created, SNAPnSAVE is an app designed to help South African shoppers save money on everyday grocery items. FULL STORY >


Samsung Pay set to conduct testing of service in Korean market

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 17 July 2015

Aiming to rival the service of Apple Pay, Samsung has reportedly begun testing its Samsung Pay service in select markets within Korea. FULL STORY >


Hot New Trailers - Sisters

By Staff Writer 17 July 2015

For those who liked what they saw at the Oscars, and of course Saturday Night Live, you might just want to check out the trailer for Sisters. The awesome Amy Poehler and Tina Fey star in this comedy about, you got it, two sisters, who are throwing one last bash before... FULL STORY >


Income Protection Policies – clarifying the consequences to the tax treatment

By Staff Writer 16 July 2015

As of the latest tax year (starting 1 March 2015), companies are still struggling to come to grips with the consequences of the changes to the rules in respect of premiums paid to income protection policies for... FULL STORY >


Safair reveals expansion plans, affirms low airfares here to stay

By Ryan Noik 16 July 2015

In another case of technology enabling and dovetailing with travel, low cost airline Safair revealed its plans, which should make more than a few travellers smile. FULL STORY >


Virtual reality saving lives in SA’s platinum mining sector

By Staff Writer 16 July 2015

South Africa is world-renowned for clawing mineral wealth from the earth, often at depths that are unequalled anywhere else in the world. FULL STORY >

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