Opinion - Why ethics must be at the heart of AI
By Opinion 19 July 2018Zoaib Hoosen, Managing Director, Microsoft, explains why ethics is essential in the march forward to implementing artificial intelligence (AI). FULL STORY >

Break the Seesaw of Usability and Security
By Opinion 18 July 2018How can organisations break the seesaw they find themselves on between offering a secure, and yet still user friendly workspace? Brendan McAravey, Country Manager at Citrix South Africa, explains. FULL STORY >

Brand security – Trust or bust?
By Opinion 17 July 2018Many business leaders need to ask themselves an important question: Do customers today trust you to protect their data and will that brand loyalty remain in the future? Martin Walsaw explains. FULL STORY >

Organic growth of cloud expected to increase
By Staff Writer 17 July 2018Andrew Cruise, managing director, Routed, a vendor-neutral cloud infrastructure provider, says that there is still a lot for local businesses to learn about cloud before they see the true benefits. FULL STORY >

Get your ice-scream! Stranger Things gets a teaser for Season Three
By Staff Writer 17 July 2018Fans of Stranger Things, there’s some good and bad news. FULL STORY >

Xqisit oE400 Active Noise Cancellation Bluetooth Headphones
By Mike Joubert 16 July 2018Locally there is another player in the market that does make a good job with putting ANC headphones into a more affordable price bracket. FULL STORY >

NordVPN offers easy and effective online security tips to security averse
By Press Release 13 July 2018A poll has found that while the majority of Internet users have experienced banking fraud , they still don't like online security measures. FULL STORY >

IIoT set to drive African manufacturing to the next level of competitiveness
By Press Release 12 July 2018The manufacturing sector is set to evolve thanks to the rise of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). FULL STORY >

IBM Study: Hidden Costs of Data Breaches Increase Expenses for Businesses
By Press Release 12 July 2018Study Calculates the Average Cost of Data Breaches as High as R36.5 Million. FULL STORY >

Six multi-cloud myth busters to keep businesses secure
By Opinion 11 July 2018Some myths have been proven to be true based on security and the cloud and some not. Martin Walshaw, F5 Networks, Senior Engineer details the six multi-cloud busters you can be sure to keep businesses secure and get a good return on your... FULL STORY >
Creating a 21st Century Civil Service - aligning technology and the public sector
By Press Release 10 July 2018The newly appointed Public Sector Regional Sales Director at Dell EMC, Musa Mahlaba, explains why decisive leadership is deeply needed in the public sector with regards to ICT. FULL STORY >

Cloud and partnerships key to survival for finservs
By Press Release 10 July 2018Financial institutions need to pay attention to how they work with data, and how leveraging the cloud can help them keep pace with other industries. Ron Raffensperger, CTO for Data Centre Solutions at Huawei Enterprise, explains. FULL STORY >
Opinion - What’s really driving Africa’s cyber-security workforce shortage?
By Opinion 9 July 2018A lack of skilled resources is not the only factor behind the cyber-security workforce shortage, says Rick Rogers, Area Manager for Africa at Check Point Technologies FULL STORY >

Red Bull Basement programme starts in South Africa
By Press Release 6 July 2018World-renowned energy drink company Red Bull believes technology is the key to create more friendly, efficient, and accessible cities for all through technological and innovative solutions. FULL STORY >

Opinion - Internet of Things: Pandora’s Box or enterprise enabler?
By Opinion 4 July 2018The Internet of Things has yet to overcome significant challenges to truly deliver the value the enterprise requires. George Kalebaila, Research Director for telecommunications, media and Internet of Things (IoT) at... FULL STORY >
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