Facebook unilaterally changes users email addresses
By Ryan Noik 26 June 2012Facebook has come under fire for changing the email address shown on users' profile to one that points to their often ignored Facebook email. FULL STORY >

Facebook acquires Instagram for 1 billion dollars
By Ryan Noik 10 April 2012Facebook has announced that it is in the process of acquiring photo-sharing app Instagram for a cool $1 billion. FULL STORY >

FBI sets sights on using social media to stop crime
By Ryan Noik 27 January 2012The Federal Bureau of Investigation is apparently looking into ways of scraping information shared on social media sites in a bid to identify potential crimes before they occur. FULL STORY >

Social media being embraced by South Africans
By Ryan Noik 26 October 2011South Africans have embraced social media as a core pillar of internet activity according to a new study released today. FULL STORY >

Facebook launches Subscribe button
By Ryan Noik 15 September 2011Facebook has introduced a new Subscribe feature to further fine tune newsfeeds. FULL STORY >

Nielsen releases report on impact of social media
By Ryan Noik 14 September 2011Global information and measurement company Nielsen released a report this week on the impact of social media. FULL STORY >

Twitter grows to 100 million users
By Ryan Noik 9 September 2011Twitter provides the latest figures for how many active users it enjoys, and reports notable growth. FULL STORY >

PlayStation Vita will include social media apps
By Ryan Noik 17 August 2011Sony has announced that its forthcoming new portable console will have dedicated apps for social media networks. FULL STORY >

Foursquare launches Lists
By Ryan Noik 16 August 2011Foursquare is the latest social media site to launch a new feature, which aims to enable users to more effectively create lists of their favourite places. FULL STORY >

Google+ gaming goes live
By Ryan Noik 15 August 2011Google has fired its next salvo in the competition against reigning social network king, Facebook, by adding games to its feature list. FULL STORY >

Acer reveals its personal evolution
By Ryan Noik 10 August 2011Acer explains how a changing world has compelled it to begin a company-based evolution of its own. FULL STORY >

Chris Botha
By Mike Joubert 6 April 2011At 33 Chris Botha is group MD of The MediaShop, one of the biggest media agencies in SA. He talks to TechSmart about marketing in the age of social media. FULL STORY >

Wikileaks and the internet nominated for Nobel Prize
By Johan Keyter 2 March 2011The Nobel Committee announces this year's Nobel Peace Prize nominations, which seems to include more electronic competitors every year. FULL STORY >

Google executive missing in Egypt
By Johan Keyter 7 February 2011As unrest continues in Egypt, internet search giant Google reports that one of its employees has gone missing. FULL STORY >

Top Tech Tweeter - Aki Anastasiou
By Mike Joubert 8 September 2009If there is one guy to follow on Twitter to keep you up to date with tech its Aki Anastasiou. Resident trafficologist and presenter of Technobyte on 702, Aki has embraced social media and ran with it. TechSmart eventually managed to catch up with him. FULL STORY >
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