Three million dollar BlackBerry Developer Challenge launched
By Staff Writer 3 May 2011The fourth annual Developer Challenge has been launched by the BlackBerry Partners Fund and includes BlackBerry PlayBook apps for the first time, as well as the addition of the Recognition Awards. FULL STORY >

Tech News Round-up - the name change edition
By Hanleigh Daniels 29 April 2011In this week's Tech News Round-up, BlackBerry OS 6.1 will now be known by a different name and the Apple vs. Samsung legal saga continues. FULL STORY >

Apple vs. Samsung - the saga continues
By Hanleigh Daniels 26 April 2011The Apple vs. Samsung courtroom drama continues as Samsung countersues Apple for copyright violations. FULL STORY >

Apple sues Samsung over patent- and copyright violations
By Hanleigh Daniels 19 April 2011The latest court battle to hit the world of tech is between its biggest star Apple and Korean tech giant Samsung. FULL STORY >

WACS reaches South Africa
By Johan Keyter 19 April 2011The West African Cable System finally landed at Yzerfontein in the Western Cape today, bringing with it increased broadband access. FULL STORY >

The near field future is here
By Johan Keyter 18 April 2011Samsung reveals some information about the fledgling near field communications market, set to take the place of your credit card within a few years. FULL STORY >

Tech News Round-up - part1 - MIX 11 edition
By Hanleigh Daniels 15 April 2011In part 1 of this week's Tech News Round-up some tech developments are revealed at Microsoft's MIX 11 conference for developers and designers. FULL STORY >

Tech News Round-up - part 2 - Google edition
By Hanleigh Daniels 15 April 2011In part 2 of this week's Tech News Round-up Google reveals some figures surrounding its Android mobile OS, whilst Intel says it'll support USB 3.0 in its Sandy Bridge replacement platform. FULL STORY >

Tech News Round-up - part 2 - mobile OS edition
By Hanleigh Daniels 8 April 2011Nokia and Yahoo's partnership starts to bear some fruit in part 2 of this week's Tech News Round-up, whilst a new Symbian event looms in the not too distant future. FULL STORY >

Tech News Round-up - part 1 - What is in a name edition
By Hanleigh Daniels 1 April 2011In the first part of this week's Tech News Round-up, HP reveals that its ePrint-enables printer now support Google Cloud Print and the founder of Java joins Google. FULL STORY >

Gaming news round-up - Part 2 - The FEAR edition
By Johan Keyter 1 April 2011In part 2 of our gaming news round-up: New F.E.A.R 3 trailer, the Xperia Play games library and Skyrim multiplayer exclusion. FULL STORY >
Tech News Round-up - part 2 - Forthcoming tech edition
By Hanleigh Daniels 1 April 2011In the second part of this week's Tech News Round-up Samsung and Visa partner up to bring NFC to the 2012 Olympic Games, whilst images and specs of the BlackBerry Monaco smartphone hits the web. FULL STORY >

CSIR investigating quantum communications
By Johan Keyter 31 March 2011New research being conducted at the CSIR's National Laser Centre is looking into the future of quantum communications. FULL STORY >

Nvidia introduces GeForce GTX 590
By Hanleigh Daniels 25 March 2011GPU maker Nvidia has officially unveiled its latest graphics card. FULL STORY >

Tech News Round-up - part 1 - RIM edition
By Hanleigh Daniels 25 March 2011Canada's RIM again features prominently in part 1 of this week's Tech News Round-up, with the Blackberry maker announcing its fiscal results as well as numerous developments. FULL STORY >
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