By 1 April 2011 | Categories: news


Xperia Play game library revealed

Sony Ericsson's Xperia Play, the world’s first PlayStation certified smartphone is set to offer more than 60 games available within its first week of release, including original PlayStation One titles.

The phone went on sale today in Europe and other parts of the world, with further availability (which hopefully includes South Africa) scheduled to take place over the next two weeks.

Sony Ericsson has formed partnerships with more than 20 prominent developers to make sure a steady stream of games head to the device. Some of the games available at launch includes Assassins Creed Altair's Chronicles HD, Need for Speed, Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell, Dungeon Defenders Second Wave, Gun Bros, Galaxy on Fire 2 and many more.

The games are downloaded by players via the Xperia Play launcher, an application that is activated by simply sliding out the smartphone’s gamepad. Let's hope for a local release date that's set not in the too distant future.
Mega Man creator forms two new companies

Keiji Inafune, the man who brought us the classic Mega Man series has announced that he has formed two new companies, namely Intercept and Comcept.

According to Andriasang, Intercept will be a game development studio, with Inafune mentioning that the company will focus on three key concepts, namely originality, gravity (games with staying power) and “beyond the age”, whatever that means.

Comcept on the other hand will have a broader entertainment focus, including games, books, music and video productions, as well as rights management. Inafune left his former home at Capcom in October 2010 to focus on solo ventures.
Why no Skyrim multiplayer?

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, successor to 2006's Oblivion, is set to be released this November, with gamers eagerly awaiting the return of the legendary role-playing series. And while RPG games haven't always been known for their multiplayer capabilities, it's still quite surprising that Skyrim will not be offering any multiplayer options whatsoever.

To clear up the confusion, Skyrim director Todd Howard recently discussed the decision with IGN saying, “We always look into multiplayer, put lots of ideas on the whiteboard and it always loses. It's not that we don't like it. I can think of ways it would be a lot of fun.”

According to Howard, focusing on multiplayer would pull the attention of the development team away from the single player experience and so jeopardise the quality of the game. "At the end of the day, that dev time is going to take away from doing the best single-player game we can, and that's where our hearts are."

It's not all bad though, as Howard said, “The two most requested features we get are dragons and multiplayer. We got one of them this time.” The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is releasing on the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC on the 11th of November 2011.
F.E.A.R 3 story trailer

If you prefer your daily gaming dose to be administered in two parts heart pounding terror, then you're in luck, as Warner Bros Interactive is releasing the third instalment in its F.E.A.R series this year.

The publishers recently released a new trailer showcasing some of the narrative changes in the third game, and of course showcasing the absolute terror the series has become known for. F.E.A.R 3 is releasing on the 27th of May on the Xbox 360, PlayStation3 and PC. Check out the video after the break. 


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