The Walking Dead spinoff stakes itself two seasons

By Ryan Noik 11 March 2015

The forthcoming The Walking Dead spinoff has already been greenlit for two seasons, which will air later this year and into 2016. FULL STORY >


Retrospective: The Walking Dead back with a bite

By Ryan Noik 10 February 2015

If you count yourself amongst the legion of fans that The Walking Dead has attracted, then no doubt you already know that the series has made its long awaited return for its mid-season 5 premiere. Read on for more. FULL STORY >


Geek News Highlights - The Bag of Tricks Edition

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 21 January 2015

This week's Geek News has a little bit of everything, with a new short film from Adidas, a rumoured X Files return to TV and a scientifically designed tattoo. FULL STORY >

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