Relevant innovation at an executive level is key to competitive differentiation

By Staff Writer 27 July 2015

In a world where products and services have become increasingly commoditised, organisations are faced with the challenge of finding a competitive edge to gain and maintain market share. FULL STORY >


JR is designing a Neon Genesis bullet train for 20th Anniversary

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 24 July 2015

To mark the beloved anime series' 20th Anniversary, JR West, Japan's rail company, is creating a Neon Genesis Evangelion themed train. FULL STORY >


Innovation Series: The Power of the Employee

By Staff Writer 24 July 2015

When developing an innovation strategy, there is a tendency to focus exclusively on the thinking of dedicated innovation leaders or teams. By having this narrow focus, the greatest innovative potential within an organisation is ignored: its... FULL STORY >


UPS vs AVR and why your business needs both

By Staff Writer 21 July 2015

Given the current and very real power crisis in South Africa, and the fact that it is set to continue for the foreseeable future, a generator coupled with an Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS) is fast becoming essential equipment for both businesses... FULL STORY >


Innovation Series: How to maintain Innovation Longevity

By Staff Writer 21 July 2015

Today’s article will step away from the present and into the future to answer an important question: How do I keep innovation alive once it’s established? FULL STORY >


Safe cloud computing starts with sound information security practices

By Staff Writer 21 July 2015

The move toward cloud computing services is gaining traction across many industries due to rapidly growing volumes of data that require storage. FULL STORY >


GSK and Save the Children launch 2015 call for developing country healthcare innovations to reduce child deaths

By Staff Writer 21 July 2015

GSK and Save the Children today announced the launch of their third annual $1 million Healthcare Innovation Award that rewards innovations in healthcare that have helped to reduce... FULL STORY >


Gabsten Technologies launches its Cloud Protect backup as a service solution

By Staff Writer 16 July 2015

Gabsten Technologies has launched their managed backup as a service offering CloudProtect to the South African market. CloudProtect provides businesses with access to a hosted backup solution that is powered by... FULL STORY >


Five ways SME’s can protect themselves from cybercrime this tax season

By Staff Writer 14 July 2015

In a recent uptick in tax identity fraud, criminals have been targeting the HR departments of various companies in order to file fraudulent tax returns, says Carey van Vlaanderen CEO of ESET Southern Africa. FULL STORY >


Innovation Series: Innovation Teams - What you need to know

By Staff Writer 13 July 2015

The innovation team is possibly the most important element to get right, but often can represent the greatest challenge to an ambidextrous organisation. Here are some ideas to get the ball rolling. FULL STORY >


New Transformers: Devastation trailer is cell-shaded and awesome

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 10 July 2015

Fresh from San Diego Comic Con, Platinum Games releases a new gameplay trailer for Transformers: Devastation, in all its cell-shaded glory. FULL STORY >


Seeing the light: How file analysis tools can unleash the light in dark data

By Staff Writer 8 July 2015

Modern day information sharing with analytics is bringing the reign of dark data into the spotlight - mobility trends mean that users can create and share at will through a range of devices, including smartphones,... FULL STORY >


The intranet, evolved

By Staff Writer 8 July 2015

A successful intranet is not an implemented one, but an adopted one that employees enjoy using, says Peter Reid, SharePoint Solutions Head at Intervate. FULL STORY >


Innovation Series: The Leader leading Innovation

By Staff Writer 3 July 2015

Good innovation is driven forward by good leaders. Here are six trademarks of good innovation leaders. FULL STORY >


Winter is Coming, and so is GeekFest 2015 this weekend

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 3 July 2015

The dead of winter may be fast approaching, but this weekend's GeekFest 2015 might just be the thing to stock up your geek-larder, to see you through the months ahead. FULL STORY >

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