Billion BiPAC 7402GX Router

By Andrew Gould 6 June 2008

Create your own portable hotspot! Enjoy the freedom of secure, high-speed Internet connectivity at the home, office, or while on the road with Billion\'s compact BiPAC 7402X series dual-interface ADSL2+/3G firewall router. FULL STORY >


SMC Barricade N Pro

By Andrew Gould 6 June 2008

The ADSL2 Barricade N Pro Modem Router is the perfect all-in-one networking solution for connecting and sharing your high speed ADSL Internet connection. Designed for the home and office, this platform independent multi-functional router combines a built-in ADSL2/2+ Modem,... FULL STORY >


Lexmark X6570

By Andrew Gould 20 May 2008

The Lexmark X6570 is an all-in-one printer, scanner, copier and fax. Users gain freedom and flexibility with built-in 802.11g wireless technology; compatible with Wi-Fi certified IEEE 802.11g/b/n. Its networking features and advance paper handling make it an ideal SOHO solution. FULL STORY >


DrayTek Vigor 2700Ge ADSL Router

By Andrew Gould 14 April 2008

Targeting requirement for residential, SOHO and business users, the Vigor2700e series is an ADSL2/2+ enabled integrated access device. With downstream speed up to 12Mbps (ADSL2) or 24Mbps (ADSL2+), the Vigor2700e series provides exceptional bandwidth for... FULL STORY >

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