InMobi releases latest Mobile Insights report for Africa
By Staff Writer 19 July 2011One of the world's largest independent mobile ad networks, InMobi, releases its latest (May 2011) Mobile Insights Report for Africa. FULL STORY >

Canon SA to host Canon Expo
By Staff Writer 4 July 2011Canon South Africa will showcase its entire range of consumer and business solutions products for the first time at the Canon Expo, being held in Sandton during December 2011. FULL STORY >

MWEB rolls out new ADSL and 3G bundles
By Johan Keyter 4 July 2011MWEB launches a new offensive in the local internet bidding war, now offering dual ADSL and 3G bundles to customers. FULL STORY >

Kinect demonstrates interactive advertising
By Johan Keyter 22 June 2011Microsoft shows off interactive advertising via Kinect, inviting users to touch and talk to ads. FULL STORY >

Canon SA roadshow back on track
By Staff Writer 8 June 2011Canon South Africa has announced that its 2011 EOS roadshow is back on the road in July. FULL STORY >

World tests IPv6 deployment
By Johan Keyter 8 June 2011Today is global IPv6 day, with major internet players around the world testing their systems in preparation for the new protocol. FULL STORY >

Groupon working on innovative music downloads deal
By Hanleigh Daniels 3 June 2011Collective-buying giant Groupon joins forces with local retailer Look & Listen to offer locals the chance to download affordable music tracks. FULL STORY >

Opera Mini 6 for Apple's iOS now available
By Hanleigh Daniels 25 May 2011Opera Software makes the latest version of its Opera Mini mobile browser available to iPhone and iPad users. FULL STORY >

Incredible Connection launches website service
By Johan Keyter 9 May 2011Incredible Connection launches a partnership with GoNetReady to supply affordable website solutions to the masses. FULL STORY >

WACS reaches South Africa
By Johan Keyter 19 April 2011The West African Cable System finally landed at Yzerfontein in the Western Cape today, bringing with it increased broadband access. FULL STORY >

New ads system on the way for Gmail
By Hanleigh Daniels 30 March 2011Search giant Google reveals that a new and improvement ads system is on the way for its Gmail email service. FULL STORY >

More Seacom cable woes
By Johan Keyter 17 March 2011The Seacom undersea cable experienced international downtime last night, but reports indicate the cable is currently back online. FULL STORY >

The world's most expensive broadband
By Johan Keyter 9 February 2011As South Africans we've become accustomed to high broadband prices, but our financial woes are nothing compared to that of the people of Turkmenistan. FULL STORY >

Five telecoms trends to watch in 2011
By Staff Writer 7 February 2011Tim Walter, general manager for Product and Marketing at Nashua Mobile, gives his view on what telecoms trends will feature prominently during 2011. FULL STORY >

Nokia and co develop app user classification system
By Hanleigh Daniels 4 February 2011Nokia has teamed up with a sociology professor to create a spate of new labels you can classify your friends under based on their smartphone app usage. FULL STORY >
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