Nvidia GTC sees rise in African developers
By Staff Writer 12 November 2021Registrations from across Africa tripled from GTC Spring 2021. FULL STORY >
Parental dilemma – 66% of parents in South Africa struggle to follow rules they set for their own children
By Staff Writer 11 November 2021A new global survey, commissioned by Kaspersky, explores the role of healthy digital habits in the family, as well as the effect of parents’ behaviour on children and vice versa. FULL STORY >
Samsung and Tshimologong celebrate graduation of second cohort of the App Factory Internship
By Staff Writer 11 November 2021Samsung and Tshimologong recently celebrated the graduates of their highly successful App Factory Internship programme at the Tshimologong Digital Innovation Precinct in Braamfontein, Johannesburg. FULL STORY >
Work 2022: Rewriting the Rules for Work
By Industry Contributor 11 November 2021The great unplanned work from home experiment has advanced thinking on workforce strategies, work models, and business models by decades. And we’re about to see a massive explosion in innovation because of it, says Tim Minahan, Executive Vice President... FULL STORY >
Helping you find the answers to your business questions
By Press Release 11 November 2021To find the answers to your pressing business questions, you have to employ data analytics. FULL STORY >
Businesses must act now to arrest the talent tsunami or a skills shortage will become a skills crisis
By Industry Contributor 11 November 2021By Emma Durkin, Head of Human Capital at Altron Karabina FULL STORY >
Save on the best gaming TV this Black November
By Staff Writer 10 November 2021Black Friday and Cyber Monday are anticipated global sales events, and they're the perfect opportunity for gamers to get their hands on cutting-edge tech – at ridiculously low prices. FULL STORY >
eCommerce is more than online sales
By Industry Contributor 10 November 2021By Alex Wright, co-founder of Correlate Digital FULL STORY >
Cybercriminals using Microsoft's popularity against unsuspecting targets
By Staff Writer 10 November 2021Microsoft remains one of the most impersonated brands in intelligent phishing scams, making it increasingly important for companies to protect and prevent against these attacks FULL STORY >
Why the gig economy is inescapable for everyone
By Staff Writer 10 November 2021The financial disruption over the past 18 months by the pandemic has irrevocably changed the course of the world's economic path. Georgie Midgley explains what this means, and what we can do about it. FULL STORY >
Adapting African cities for a better, safer life
By Staff Writer 9 November 2021While many have focused on data analysis and its security at an organisational level, it is even more imperative for the realisation of smarter and more sustainable cities capable of providing citizens with a better, safer lifestyle. FULL STORY >
Industry Insight - The ability to leverage data for insight starts with an effective data strategy
By Industry Contributor 9 November 2021The customer experience has become a critical point of competitive advantage, along with operational excellence and better risk management, including reputational, operational, and financial risk.... FULL STORY >
Cracked Hacks - When fun becomes dangerous
By Staff Writer 9 November 2021Anna Collard, SVP of Content Strategy & Evangelist at KnowBe4 Africa, explains why pirated games aren't really free, costing time, money and your digital security. FULL STORY >
Traka launches inaugural Experience Centres in Australia and South Africa
By Staff Writer 9 November 2021Today Traka launched its inaugural Experience Centres in Australia and South Africa in a bid to drive continuous collaboration and innovation. FULL STORY >
The unexpected business-building benefits of stricter data regulation
By Industry Contributor 8 November 2021By Professor Yudhvir Seetharam, FNB Business: Head of Analytics, Insights and Research FULL STORY >
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