Cyber Insurance: 5 things you must know to protect your business

By Press Release 17 March 2022

In the age of booming cybercrime and growing global cyber risks, cyber insurance is a must for all digitised businesses – but what is it and how does it work? FULL STORY >


PoPI’s effects on IT asset disposal

By Press Release 7 June 2016

The PoPI Act is awaiting an implementation date, but when in effect it will hold organisations liable for the safety of their information. FULL STORY >


Experts call for more law enforcement

By Press Release 2 June 2016

Companies should be aware of the constantly changing security environment and the ever-increasing threats, new legislation and best market practices. This was the key message at a recent event hosted by Xperien. FULL STORY >


Kaspersky Lab launches One dollar lesson to educate users on banking cybercrime

By Staff Writer 14 May 2015

In an effort to make the very real threats of banking cybercrime easier to understand, Kaspersky Lab has launched its One dollar lesson modules for online users. FULL STORY >


Kaspersky Lab shines light on recently discovered CozyDuke threat

By Staff Writer 12 May 2015

After uncovering the now-named CozyDuke threat in April this year, Kaspersky Lab offers a bit more insight into how this "Office Monkey" threat can be mitigated. FULL STORY >


Kaspersky rAges against cybercrime

By Ryan Noik 27 September 2011

Kaspersky Lab has announced that it will be on hand to provide insight on crucial security to online gaming fans at the upcoming rAge expo. FULL STORY >


AVG report warns about cyber crime catastrophe

By Ryan Noik 19 September 2011

According to a new report by AVG, cyber crime has far reaching risks that could be serious. FULL STORY >

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