Email cybercrime: Combatting the risk and cost to the business
By Industry Contributor 22 November 2024Email security remains one of the most critical concerns for the modern organisation, explains Richard Frost, Head of Consulting at Armata Cyber Security FULL STORY >
Fortifying email security in 2023 and beyond: Best practices and emerging trends
By Industry Contributor 27 November 2023By Saurabh Prasad, Senior Solution Architect at In2IT FULL STORY >

Do’s and don’ts of using ChatGPT for your sales emails
By Industry Contributor 29 March 2023By David Lichtenstein, CEO of Superhuman Sales FULL STORY >

Password management needs a rethink
By Industry Contributor 18 May 2022By Geshan Naicker, IT Manager at Itec FULL STORY >
5 tips to selecting the right provider to power your email marketing campaigns
By Industry Contributor 15 December 2021By JD Engelbrecht, Everlytic FULL STORY >

Mimecast Report - 85% of SA organisations were hurt by lack of cyber preparedness in 2020
By Staff Writer 23 April 2021Annual “The State of Email Security” report also finds 47% were infected by ransomware. FULL STORY >
Industry Insight - Mimecast predicts 2020 cybersecurity trends
By Industry Contributor 17 January 2020Brian Pinnock, cybersecurity expert at Mimecast, offers his foremost predictions of the trends that the company anticipates gaining traction across the cybersecurity landscape in the year ahead. FULL STORY >

5 reasons why you should not use email to assign tasks
By Industry Contributor 15 January 2020You need one of your team members, let’s call him Bob, to follow up with a customer about a sales request/complaint/query, and you need it done urgently. I bet that more often than not you send Bob a quick email? According to Adam... FULL STORY >

Gmail users report spam messages from their own addresses
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 23 April 2018Google is aware of the issue and says it's trying to address it. FULL STORY >

Gmail on Android adds filter for phishing emails
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 4 May 2017A new feature from Google could help you from being scammed, but only if you own an Android device… for now. FULL STORY >

Sophos expands its central cloud-based management platform with Sophos Email
By Press Release 24 August 2016Sophos says its Email Security meets the demand to improve Microsoft Office365 protection. FULL STORY >
Email is the ideal starting point on the journey toward PoPI compliance
By Staff Writer 12 August 2015The much talked about Protection of Personal Information (PoPI) Act is now imminent, and organisations need to realise that the question is no longer around whether it will be implemented, but what they should do to gear up... FULL STORY >

Mail for Exchange lands on Asha mobile phones
By Staff Writer 18 June 2013Nokia announces Mail for Exchange for Asha phones as well as the availability of the Editori text and sheet apps. FULL STORY >

Yahoo shuts down Mail Classic
By Ryan Noik 3 June 2013Yahoo! has dropped a seemingly innocuous clanger, announcing that long time users of Yahoo! Classic have little choice but to upgrade and accept the company's policies if they want to retain their email. FULL STORY >
Gmail is getting a facelift
By Ryan Noik 30 May 2013Gmail is set to receive a makeover, and will emerge from the surgeons theatre with new tabs and hopefully, better organisation. FULL STORY >
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