Consumer electronics sales soar in South Africa during Black Friday week

By Press Release 7 December 2017

South African retailers saw strong sales during the week of Black Friday this year. FULL STORY >


It’s time to change how you think about retail

By Opinion 28 November 2017

Charles Pittaway from Sage provides some of the biggest changes we can expect to see in the retail industry in the coming years. FULL STORY >


Takealot Black Friday aspirations hit another bump

By Ryan Noik 24 November 2017

Takealot's Black Friday aspirations are quickly turning from misstep to epic failure, with the website and app failing for the second time in a row this morning. FULL STORY >


Retail Reimagined: on the frontier of enterprise-scale technology

By Opinion 23 November 2017

Paige dos Santos, Digital Transformation lead, SAP Africa about unpacks how retailers use technology to attract and retain customers as we approach Black Friday and the Christmas period. FULL STORY >


Details for 2017 Google Pixel XL surface

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 12 July 2017

Recently leaked info points to what Google may have planned for its 2017 Pixel XL. FULL STORY >


Beacons in Retail

By Press Release 13 June 2017

Colleen Rose, consulting director at Acceleration, addresses the fact that Retailers could use beacons to deliver highly relevant content to customers at specific locations in or around their stores, that can be connected with online behavioural tracking data to more deeply... FULL STORY >


Digital retail a double-edged sword

By Press Release 12 June 2017

In South Africa, most retailers are just beginning the digital journey, but they are keenly aware that if they are to stay competitive they will need to start with sophisticated wireless networks enabling them to understand and analyse customer behavior,... FULL STORY >


Tech trends that will shape consumer experience in the future

By Staff Writer 29 May 2017

PayU discusses four technology trends that will spearhead the evolution of online shopping. FULL STORY >


Hybrid Cloud drives the retailers’ digital transformation

By Thomas McKinnon 2 May 2017

Sekete Patrick Maphopha, NetApp Africa CTO and Technology Evangelist, discusses how the retail chains are facing new significant challenges due to the digital transformation and the convergence of social network, mobile and cloud. FULL STORY >


Mastercard unveils next generation Biometric Card

By Press Release 20 April 2017

Mastercard today unveiled the next generation biometric card, combining chip technology with fingerprints to conveniently and safely verify the cardholder’s identity for in-store purchases. FULL STORY >


Sony Mobile opens new and improved store at Vodacom World in Midrand

By Press Release 7 April 2017

Sony Mobile together with Vodacom World recently announced the re-opening of the new and improved store at Vodacom World Mall in Midrand, Johannesburg. FULL STORY >


Why the pop-up store cloud is unlikely to burst anytime soon

By Press Release 16 February 2017

Thinking out of the box through the trendy pop-up store can ultimately improve the overall shopping experience if data is captured correctly. FULL STORY >


Second Ghost in the Shell trailer details far too much

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 14 February 2017

The latest trailer for Ghost in the Shell has landed online, but instead of the 1995 original, this live action version appears to use Stand Alone Complex as its reference point. FULL STORY >


Swinging the balance of power: now the customer really is in charge

By Press Release 23 January 2017

Genesys Interactive Intelligence forum gives insight into how companies can improve the customer experience in today’s digital age. FULL STORY >


BT deploys digital store pilot solution for Thomas Pink

By Press Release 17 January 2017

BT deploys Acuitas Digital Alliance’s IoT store platform for Thomas Pink pilot in New York bringing the benefits of the online world to physical stores. FULL STORY >

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