
Apple controversy deepens with calls to boycott
By Ryan Noik 30 January 2012The recent expos?® by the New York Times, which asserted that Apple knew about labour abuses at its main supplier, has sparked a storm of controversy since it came to light last week. FULL STORY >

Report accuses Apple of condoning labour abuses at Foxconn
By Ryan Noik 26 January 2012A disturbing expos?® by the New York Times alleges that the technology giant has condoned labour abuses by its supplier. FULL STORY >

Gaming News Round-up - Xbox edition
By Staff Writer 13 January 2012Screenshots from the new South Park RPG emerge, new demos making an appearance and the Pac-Man record is smashed. FULL STORY >

Explosion rocks Foxconn plant
By Johan Keyter 23 May 2011This Friday an explosion at a Foxconn plant in China caused the death of at least three workers while injuring some 15 others. FULL STORY >

Microsoft sues nook maker and co for patent infringement
By Hanleigh Daniels 22 March 2011Microsoft takes Barnes & Noble and co to court over patent violations. FULL STORY >
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