Anew – The Distant Light game gets Kickstarter go ahead

By Ryan Noik 20 March 2017

Anew: The Distant Light has reached its $30 000 Kickstarter goal and is set for release on PS4, Xbox One, PC and Nintendo Switch. FULL STORY >


Super Mario Run on Android 23 March

By Staff Writer 20 March 2017

Good news for Mario fans on Android. Super Mario Run has now received a fixed date for arrival on Google Play: 23 March. FULL STORY >


Teaser for season seven of Game of Thrones gets unveiled

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 10 March 2017

While all the houses in Westeros fight one another, a far graver threat is coming from the north, in the first teaser for season seven of Game of Thrones. FULL STORY >


Screenshots for Guardians of the Galaxy game emerge

By Staff Writer 10 March 2017

With the second movie set to debut at the end of April, more news about the upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series video game has emerged. FULL STORY >


16 minutes of gameplay footage for Middle-earth: Shadow of War surfaces

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 9 March 2017

Following its announcement last week, WB Games serves up 16 minutes of gameplay action for Middle-earth: Shadow of War. FULL STORY >


Mimic powers showcased in new Prey gameplay trailer

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 24 February 2017

New video from Bethesda gives gamers an idea of how they can use the Mimic's powers against the alien threat plaguing the Talos I in Prey. FULL STORY >


Open beta for Ghost Recon Wildlands arrives next week

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 17 February 2017

Available from 23 to 27 February, upcoming beta for Ghost Recon Wildlands will allow for up to four per group multiplayer sessions. FULL STORY >


Year of the Mammoth will bring three expansions to Hearthstone in 2017

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 17 February 2017

The Chinese may have the Year of the Rooster, but Hearthstone gamers have the Year of the Mammoth to look forward to. FULL STORY >


Apocalypse Now game turns to own website to raise $5.9 million

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 15 February 2017

Opting to forego Kickstarter, developers Erebus LLC have created their own website in order to crowdfund their movie-to-game adaptation for Apocalypse Now, with a new $5.9 million goal. FULL STORY >


Black Canary, Poison Ivy, Cheetah and Catwoman added to Injustice 2

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 15 February 2017

Four more of DC's femme fatales will be playable characters on Injustice 2. FULL STORY >


Swamp Thing joins the action for Injustice 2

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 14 February 2017

Cue The Troggs parody song from the animated series. FULL STORY >


Apocalypse Now game on Kickstarter

By Staff Writer 26 January 2017

For those who love the smell of napalm in the morning, and video games, you need to head to Kickstarter right now. Francis Ford Coppola and team are crowdfunding an Apocalypse Now video game. FULL STORY >


Nintendo Switch to get three more games at launch

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 25 January 2017

If Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild isn't gonna cut it for you when the Nintendo Switch launches, developer Tomorrow Corporation confirms a further three launch titles. FULL STORY >


Video gamers might not be real-life crack-shots

By Staff Writer 23 January 2017

Study proving video gamers are also real-life crack-shots gets retracted. FULL STORY >


Brainiac joins fray in latest Injustice 2 trailer

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 18 January 2017

The story trailer for Injustice 2 has arrived, and Brainiac is doing the narrating. FULL STORY >

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