Active engagement via mobile-only tech disrupts insurance industry

By Press Release 24 July 2018

Ryan Barlow, Chief Technology officer, e4 says that when it comes to the insurance sector, it is mobile-only as insurance brands grapple with disruption from lighter, more agile technology rich cloud insurance products. FULL STORY >


Liberty Short Term insurance turns to robot for transformation

By Ryan Noik 19 March 2018

In the digital age, it seems like the old catchphrase “show me the money” has been replaced with “show me your chatbot”. Liberty Short term Insurance provided a sneak peak into its impending chatbot, launching later this... FULL STORY >


Software AG and BITMARCK digitalise core system for health insurers

By Press Release 5 February 2018

BITMARCK will employ Software AG’s Digital Business Platform to further modernise and enhance the country’s public health insurance software standard. The system offers functionality such as external interfaces, integration... FULL STORY >


Fo-Sho first to bring social underwriting to the insurance space

By Press Release 27 November 2017

Fo-Sho, the latest disruptive Fintech player to launch in SA, has introduced a first of its kind insurance product to make short-term insurance with long term benefits via self-insurance possible for everyone. FULL STORY >


Smartphone repairer locks in disruptive insurance model

By Press Release 24 November 2017

With the announcement of weFix's partnership with Click2Sure, the pair allow smart device repair specialists in 36 stores nationwide to offer an insurance policy at the point of check-out for a range of refurbished smartphones, while also... FULL STORY >


Cyber security insurance – the missing link in business financial wellness

By Press Release 31 October 2017

In the age where knowledge and information is currency, where organisations will soon be subject to regulations such as the Protection of Private Information Act in South Africa, General Data Protection Regulation in... FULL STORY >


Hollard backs insuretech start-up - Naked

By Press Release 27 October 2017

Hollard, South Africa's largest privately-owned insurance group, has backed Naked, an insuretech start-up company set to enter the market in the first quarter of 2018. FULL STORY >


Blockchain in the insurance industry

By Opinion 24 October 2017

One of the biggest technology buzzwords of the moment is the blockchain. It’s being touted as the ‘next Internet’ in terms of the predicted impact it is set to have on the world, across all industries. FULL STORY >


The face of insurance risk in an IoT-enabled world

By Press Release 22 June 2017

We live in an increasingly connected world, and if the Internet of Things (IoT) has its way, technology is poised to change life as we know it – by interconnecting everything around us and integrating technological insight into physical... FULL STORY >


Cybersecurity insurance – the missing link in business financial wellness

By Press Release 25 May 2017

In the age where knowledge and information is currency, where organisations will soon be subject to regulations such as the Protection of Private Information Act in South Africa, General Data Protection Regulation in... FULL STORY >


Social media liability insurance a must in our digital world - SHA Specialist Underwriters

By Press Release 25 October 2016

SHA decided to launch a liability product through its broker database, that consumers can purchase to cover the legal fees and damages associated with defending themselves against allegations of privacy... FULL STORY >


Video game characters most in need of insurance

By Staff Writer 11 May 2016

Video game characters go through a lot of tough times, getting shot at, punched, burnt, bitten, ripped apart and falling from dizzying heights. We run down which ones are in dire need of life insurance. FULL STORY >


Achieving insurance sales acceleration with well-managed predictive dialer technology

By Staff Writer 3 September 2015

Competition for new customer acquisition in the insurance sector has intensified, and with so much product parity, great service and seamless interactions are now the only differentiating factors. FULL STORY >


Rise of AirBnB raises questions about insurance implications for homeowners

By Staff Writer 1 September 2015

The growing popularity of property rental platforms, such as Airbnb, is raising concerns over the insurance implications for renters. FULL STORY >


Life insurance for TV characters? Hippo takes the odds

By Staff Writer 18 June 2015

Ever wondered how someone like Tyrion Lannister would fare while applying for life insurance? Well we've helped Hippo rank some of TV's most iconic characters, and their chances of survival in the "real world". FULL STORY >

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