
New Hunter model signals good things for Swiss Army Knives
By Staff Writer 9 November 2018It can only be described as a major step for the brand. FULL STORY >

The Analogue Office
By Staff Writer 11 February 2014In our über connected digital worlds, sometimes there is great value in offsetting our electronic endeavours with some offline objects. Since we’re focusing on getting back to work, there’s no better setting for your analogue adventures than the office. FULL STORY >

Gadgets to fire up your life
By Ryan Noik 7 November 2013Whether your firelighting skills range from forging an occasional braai all the way up to being able show Bear Grylls a trick or two, technology is at hand to help you make a fire in a jiffy. FULL STORY >
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Innovative Artificial Intelligence solutions (28 votes)
Biotechnology or medical advancements (22 votes)
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