
Gartner - 3 steps to improve Virtual Meetings during Coronavirus Pandemic
By Staff Writer 23 April 2020As employees become more dependent on these virtual meeting and collaboration tools, IT leaders should follow these three steps to provide an improved and secure user experience. FULL STORY >

Research reveals why meetings fail or are unsuccessful
By Press Release 16 March 2018SkyGroup Communications reveals that according to a global study by partner Barco ClickShare; room layout, interruptions, technology issues, and the presence of food are among the top factors which impact on the engagement of an audience... FULL STORY >

How to make meetings bearable for millennials (and everyone else)
By Press Release 1 August 2017Think back to the last time you attended a meeting with millennials. Did they seem disengaged? Distracted by their devices? More interested in what was happening on the other side of the window? Keith Fenner, VP for Sage... FULL STORY >
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