Xero match for Yoco

By Press Release 29 July 2016

Small to medium-sized businesses (SMEs) can now operate from anywhere with Xero's cloud-based accounting software and Yoco's mobile point of sale. FULL STORY >


WhatsApp reportedly does not fully remove deleted chats

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 29 July 2016

According to iOS researcher Jonathan Zdziarski the Instant Messaging app's software retains and stores forensic traces of deleted chats. FULL STORY >


Apple reaches milestone by selling one billionth iPhone

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 28 July 2016

Despite a recent decline in iPhone sales, Apple has confirmed that it has sold its one billionth smartphone. FULL STORY >


City of Joburg and Microsoft South Africa partner to train one million people in digital literacy

By Press Release 27 July 2016

Aiming to teach one million Johannesburg citizens the necessary digital skills for today's jobs, the City of Joburg and Microsoft Soth Africa have partnered to assist the Vulindlel'eJozi Youth... FULL STORY >


BlackBerry offers secure apps via Microsoft's Azure Cloud Platform

By Press Release 26 July 2016

Good Dynamics Secure Mobility Platform in Microsoft Azure Marketplace enhances collaboration and communication capabilities for businesses adapting the cloud. FULL STORY >


Converged solutions – and re-purposed IT – can drive innovation

By Ryan Noik 25 July 2016

Businesses that move towards hyperconverged solutions are most likely to close the skills gap, release big data and drive innovation, according to a research report by VCE, the converged platforms division of EMC. FULL STORY >


Sophos first to introduce Always-On file encryption for data shared across Windows, Mac, iOS and Android platforms

By Press Release 25 July 2016

Sophos announces its SafeGuard Encryption 8 solution, designed to protect data against theft from malware, attackers or accidental leaks. FULL STORY >


Palladium enters the Cloud

By Press Release 25 July 2016

Palladium Business Solutions has signed an Enterprise agreement with Microsoft to host client's data in the cloud. FULL STORY >


Twitter's recent Emoji map makes for interesting viewing

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 20 July 2016

With World Emoji Day this past Sunday, Twitter has released a global map detailing what emoji are most used by which country. FULL STORY >


Do we still need teachers in this day and age?

By Press Release 19 July 2016

Claudia Johnston, Education Sector Lead at Microsoft, explores the role of formalised education in the age of self-determined learning. FULL STORY >


Total data erasure and complete hard drive destruction

By Press Release 19 July 2016

Xperien CEO Wale Arewa says executives responsible for IT asset management need to understand the principles of ITAD and they need to consider regulatory compliance and the protection of company information. FULL STORY >


Final Dev Preview for Android Nougat is available for download

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 19 July 2016

For those wanting to get their hands on Android Nougat before the majority, the final Developer Preview is available for download. FULL STORY >


Microsoft confirms 2 August release for its Xbox One S console in the States

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 19 July 2016

Microsoft's new slimmer next-gen console is on its way to US retailers on 2 August, with the 2 TB Xbox One S going for $399. No word on SA just yet. FULL STORY >


Braintree confirms partnership with LINKFRESH

By Press Release 18 July 2016

Braintree, the consulting and integration division within Vox Telecom, has recently confirmed its partnership with LINKFRESH, a leading packaged business management system for the fresh food sector, and a Microsoft Dynamics certified add-on... FULL STORY >


New NES Classic Edition coming with 30 games

By Staff Writer 15 July 2016

Nintendo seems to be having not so much a field day, as perhaps a field week. After the massive success of Pokémon Go, comes news of the re-release of the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), albeit in much smaller form. FULL STORY >

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