Why South African businesses should leverage trustworthy data for better procurement choices
By Industry Contributor 16 August 2023Mitigating the risk of procurement fraud and other irregularities is possible by equipping organisations with the tools necessary to improve transparency, decision-making, and cost-effectiveness in... FULL STORY >

Procurement as a service: why global demand for this approach is increasing
By Industry Contributor 6 October 2022Leon Steyn, the CEO of Dante Deo Consulting unpacks the procurement as a service trend. FULL STORY >

We all know South Africa has a corruption problem: Here's how to spot it
By Industry Contributor 16 May 2022Leon Steyn, CEO at Dante Deo, identifies the six leading indicators that something fishy is afoot and that corruption has taken hold in procurement. FULL STORY >

Nerd academy programme launches in the Karoo
By Press Release 25 April 2018Piehole.tv and ProcurementExpress.com use innovative ways to create local employment. FULL STORY >
Opinion Piece: Local procurement is as much a private sector concern as it is a public sector duty
By Press Release 19 September 2016The Local Procurement Accord was established in 2011 by government with the intention of putting policy in place to develop local suppliers and better utilise local resources in order to achieve... FULL STORY >
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