By 22 September 2020 | Categories: Thought Leadership



TechSmart Business News sponsored by:

Sujit Menon Display & Client Peripherals Lead – MERAT, Dell Technologies

With the increased number of hours people are spending working from home, maintaining a healthy work environment has become a priority. Since the onset of the pandemic, there has been an increased trend in setting up home workstations, and for those who are not tech-savvy, it can be overwhelming to decide which products best fit your needs for a productive work environment.

One product that has seen wide popularity this year has been the desktop monitor. According to a Forrester report, 80% of users believe that a larger display monitor would positively affect their work performance. Let’s look at three ways in which monitors have proven time and again to positively impact the quality of work.

1. Productivity powerhouse

As employees started working from home, they quickly experienced that using a laptop alone limits the amount of useful screen space. Pairing laptops with desktop monitors and using both screens can improve user-experience and task completion time, with decreased time of switching back and forth between multiple windows and better viewing ability. In a recent multi-screen productivity study conducted by Wichita State University and commissioned by Dell Technologies, it was found that participants were able to complete their task faster with a multiple monitor setup. In fact, having dual monitors has proven to increase productivity by 20-30 percent, according to The New York Times’s report of a Jon Peddie Research survey. And when it comes to time saved, even completing tasks 5 minutes quicker per hour leads to savings of close to an hour per day.

In fact, the latest range of monitors feature extensive connectivity options like USB-C and a host of other ports that enables the monitor to serve as a productivity hub that delivers stable Ethernet 1 and power. A single cable for audio, video and charging, users have the convenience of a clutter-free desk space at home.

2. Not all screens are created equal

We typically spend a third of our day in front of screens, and this has tremendous impact on our health and productivity. Laptops are not ergonomically designed for prolonged use. On the other hand, desktop monitors allow for better ergonomics, with eye-level viewing and reduction in back and neck pain due to posture. According to an IDC InfoBrief on the future of work, 80% of global employees agree that advanced monitors (higher resolution, better ergonomics and color) will improve overall working experience. Using a desktop monitor may ultimately reduce strain and fatigue thanks to its improved product design and workspace arrangement.

3. The need to see more

It’s no surprise that sharper resolutions and larger sized screens can benefit the way people work and play. The latter would especially be relevant for those who use monitors for gaming, shopping or watching movies. Use of larger screens can be beneficial for tasks that need attention to detail such as programming, data analysis and visualization, and designing. The combination of larger and higher resolution displays, better support for multitasking, and enhanced visualization of data has in fact made monitors indispensable for such professions.

Some desktop monitors also allow you to organize multiple applications on your screen, so that you can multi-task better. Others have curved monitors which offer reduced eye movement across the screen for a more immersive experience. Moreover, adoption of immersive technologies like augmented reality, virtual reality and 3D visualization will necessitate the need for advanced monitors, which are designed to support new emerging workloads.

As we head into the future of flexible working, it will become increasingly necessary to optimize our workspace and create a WFH environment that enhances productivity. Desktop monitors could be an easy investment to achieve this. With better viewing, improved user comfort and all-around benefits, adding a desktop monitor to your home workstations may be the way ahead.



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