By 6 August 2015 | Categories: Press Release



Sage Pastel Payroll & HR has launched the new Partner Payroll Advantage software solution to give growing businesses a more flexible and efficient way to process and manage their HR and payroll transactions.

Sage Pastel Partner Payroll Advantage is ideal for SMEs who need a comprehensive, automated payroll solution that complies fully with SARS regulations and also offers basic human resources management (HRM) functionality.

It is a hybrid cloud/desktop offering that extends the functionality of Sage Pastel Payroll & HR’s popular Partner Payroll software with a cloud-based Self Service portal. This portal allows companies to store data online, sync payroll and HR data between the cloud and desktop, and manage workflows and approvals across the cloud.

With Cloud HR, certain HR functions are taken directly to each line manager and empowers them to manage their staff directly. This includes online data capture, manager access to staff records in the cloud, distribution of HR related forms online with built-in workflow and approval, as well as email notifications.

Furthermore, they are able to set up Self Service for multiple companies on a single portal, empowering employees to access their secure online profiles, submit travel claims and manage their leave applications.

The software supports the needs of organisations that run multiple companies with multiple databases. It also allows for bulk terminations and reinstatements, making it easy to dismiss or re-employ multiple employees at once - especially useful if you employ seasonal or project-based employees.

The Salary Structuring module simplifies the task of structuring a Total-Cost-To-Company remuneration package for each employee, while Multiple Transactions Manager allows for the completion of more than one task easily, from one screen. A Third Party Payment module, meanwhile, disburses deductions or contributions, such as medical aids or pension funds, with the click of a button.

Companies can choose to pay a standard annual license fee or take advantage of a Flex monthly subscription, which includes additional mobile and cloud features such as free validations and verifications from Sage Pay, an online report repository and an online dashboard.

Says Madelein van der Watt, Development Manager at Sage Pastel Payroll & HR: “This product is a true hybrid offering that adds a range of rich, connected services to our traditional desktop solution. It’s perfect for existing Partner Payroll users who need to upgrade to a more flexible method of managing data and who want access to online and mobile services that will enable them to be more productive.”



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