By 30 October 2015 | Categories: Press Release



As the sun begins to rise earlier each morning and the welcomed blue skies reappear it is clear that Spring is here and that Summer is just around the corner. This means that it is nearly time for the much anticipated December holidays.  

With millions of travel photos, videos and Tweets on Twitter, you may not know where to start.  Never fear, we’ve put together some of the best international and local accounts to follow for vacation tips and inspiration.

Twitter is the perfect place to start investigating potential holiday destinations as it is not only a great source of information, but it enables you to connect with other people so you can get first-hand feedback on hotels, activities and more.

The first step is to use Twitter’s search function to find people to follow who are involved in and Tweet about travel.  This feature allows you to search topics, keywords and hashtags so you can find and follow conversations that interest you. To find out more about this feature go to Twitter’s Help Centre.

There are some great South African accounts that Tweet about travel such as @guy_with_camera, @DawnJorgense and @Travelwrite1.  Tweets from these accounts include amazing photographs, travel tips, finding the best priced hotels and more making them a great starting point.

Another account that is a must-follow is @SarahDuff. Sarah is a South African travel writer who has embarked on a 500 day journey around the world.  During her trip she is Tweeting about her experiences, about the countries she visits and what makes them unique.  She is also Tweeting her photographs which are truly beautiful.

If you want to find out more about the best travel destinations then you should follow @thetravelmanuel.  A South African couple originally from Cape Town, Vaughn and Lauren Manuel McShane, travel the world with the goal of inspiring as many people as possible to leave their homes to explore the far reaches of the globe. So for a mix of global and local travel information follow them on @thetravelmanuel.

If you prefer to keep your travel within South Africa or Africa then @MzansiGirl is the account to follow.  @MzansiGirl, Tweets about her African adventures from things to do in Kwa-Zulu Natal to encounters with lions and Rhinos.  She also seems to have a good sense of humor which makes her Tweets interesting and fun to read.

These are just a few accounts that you may want to follow on Twitter, but there are many others too. Get started by logging onto Twitter, use the search feature to look for other people Tweeting about travel and join the conversation.



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