Accenture consumer survey
By Hanleigh Daniels 7 April 2010 | Categories: news
The 2010 Accenture Consumer Electronics Products and Service Usage Report has been released and contains some interesting info on trends in emerging markets. Amongst other findings the report states that in emerging markets there is a much greater demand from respondents for mobile technology (such as mobile phones) than from respondents in mature markets. For instance, web-enabled mobile devices are owned by 42% of emerging market respondents, but only 17% of mature market respondents. In addition, the survey also established that 64% of consumers in emerging markets think their mobile phone is the most important piece of tech that they own, whilst only 29% of consumers in mature markets would agree.
What the study also shows is that the extent of technology use among emerging markets consumers, under which India, Malaysia, Singapore and China were grouped, is greater than those of mature markets, for example in the US and Germany. Meaning emerging market customers are more likely to use a product to its full potential and integrate it within their daily lives, than simply buying it for bragging rights.
According to the survey 94% of consumers in developing markets deem it important that the technology brand they purchase or utilise is perceived as the most innovative. Another interesting point is that despite the global recession, 85% of respondents in emerging as well as mature markets spent money on consumer technologies in 2009, with the majority of the money being spent on mobile- or smartphones, followed by computers and HDTVs. Consumers in emerging markets are also prepared to buy a tech product at a premium if it's deemed to be environmentally friendly.
“This study dispels the general misconception that mature-markets are leaders in technology adoption. Among other critical factors we established was that, even though the price of goods remains an issue in the purchase decision, emerging market consumers don’t see it as a deciding factor,” says Mark Joseph, director of communications and high tech at Accenture. “Suppliers will also have to keep their eyes and ears open because consumers are relying less on the advice of friends, family and in-store salespeople for help with their purchase decisions. Instead, they value third party reviews and online platforms,” concludes Joseph.
Download the PDF of the survey here.
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