Are data laws too lax
By Tom Manners 19 July 2010 | Categories: news
A new survey of almost 1 200 organisations has revealed deep concern about the robustness of data protection legislation.
The survey, conducted by data protection firm Sophos, discovered that nearly 50% of respondents feel that the laws are not robust enough, while 87% feel that organisations should be forced to disclose when sensitive data about the public is exposed.
The survey, which was designed to gauge respondents' views on current legislation, showed that 41% were concerned about the additional complexity and the associated costs of complying with the legislation. While the security industry is developing tools to combat data loss - such as encryption, anti-malware and data loss prevention technologies – today’s IT teams, many of whose budgets and headcounts have been slashed, want a simple, cost-effective approach to data protection.
"Data protection is a serious issue. Sophos wanted to better gauge the general feeling from today’s businesses," says Brett Myroff, CEO of regional Sophos distributor, Sophos South Africa. "The survey shows the need for breaches to be disclosed publicly, and this suggests that clear and concise guidelines for businesses are required.
“As legislation varies from region to region, there is no way to offer a checklist for everyone to follow. A consistent cross-border legal framework on the protection of data would simplify the compliance issue and educate businesses around the world."
Overall, the vast majority of respondents felt that something needs to be urgently done in order to rectify this issue.
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