By 26 January 2010 | Categories: news


An Italian man is recovering in hospital after his son stabbed him in the neck following an argument about his FIFA ’09 skills.
According to Reuters there was a deep cut inflicted to the throat of the man, identified as Fabrizio R, after the man’s 16 year old son Mario R., stabbed him with a 38 cm kitchen knife.
Mario was playing FIFA 2009 when his 46 year old father decided to give him advice on improving his tactics in the game. The young Mario didn’t take too kindly to his father words of wisdom, and when his dad then turned the TV off as punishment for his son's disrespectful behaviour, Mario fetched a knife from the kitchen. He stabbed his father before cleaning the knife in the sink in front of his mother. She didn’t know what had happened until her husband came into the room clutching his throat.
This is the second horror story regarding gaming and knives since the start of the year. Earlier this month, a 15 year old Romanian boy stabbed his adoptive mother to death after she refused to pay the internet bill to try and curb his online video gaming "addiction".


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