By 5 October 2009 | Categories: news


Adobe Systems unveiled Flash Player 10.1 today; with a focus on bringing flash video to a number of mobile devices.

To date, Flash video acceleration hasn’t been widely available on mobile devices, but Flash Player 10.1 will allow support for Flash video on smartphones, smartbooks, netbooks, PCs and other Internet-connected devices.

Launched as part of Adobe’s Open Screen Project, Flash Player 10.1 has garnered support form some of the largest mobile companies in the world including Google, Motorola, Nvidia, Palm, RIM, and Qualcomm. Noticeably absent, however, was support from Apple.

In terms of timetables for the launch of the software, public developer betas of the browser-based runtime are expected to be available for Windows Mobile, Palm webOS and desktop operating systems later this year. Public betas for Google Android and Symbian OS are expected to be available in early 2010.

“With Flash Player moving to new mobile platforms, users will be able to experience virtually all Flash technology based Web content and applications wherever they are,” said David Wadhwani, general manager and vice president, Platform Business Unit at Adobe.
For more info visit: Adobe Labs


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