Free Kaspersky Mobile Security to soccer fans
By Tom Manners 11 June 2010 | Categories: news
Security software provider Kaspersky has announced that throughout the FIFA Soccer World Cup it will be providing football free mobile protection for their smartphones.
To take advantage supporters need only to follow a link to the Kaspersky website where they will be given a free Supporters Code which will enable Kaspersky Mobile Security on their smartphones for the duration of the world cup.
With Kaspersky Mobile Security 9 installed on a supporter’s smartphone, it can be remotely blocked if it is lost or stolen. The contact details of the owner will be displayed on the screen of a blocked smartphone, allowing anyone who finds it to return the lost device.
The location of a lost smartphone can also be pinpointed using its built-in GPS module, and if the SIM is replaced, the owner will receive immediate notification of the phone’s new number.
Kaspersky Mobile Security 9 is compatible with a number of mobile brands including HTC, Motorola, Nokia, Palm, Samsung and Sony Ericsson.
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