Gaming News Round-up -Wii Summer Games coming
By Hanleigh Daniels 2 July 2010 | Categories: news
Xbox 720 and PlayStation 4 coming in two years?
In an interview with, Capcom Europe’s chief operating officer David Reeves stated that we’ll see PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 successors within the next two to three years.
“I don’t have any inside information,” Reeves admitted however. “All the first-parties have got to be working on something. The tricky thing is when do you put a stake in the ground on technology? That’s the problem. You can be waiting a few extra months to implement something, but you’ve got to set a date to go with a certain chip at a certain point otherwise you’re going to miss the key milestones.”
Paul Oakenfold track to debut in racing game
Namco Bandai has announced today that music DJ Paul Oakenfold will debut a brand new song within Test Drive Unlimited 2, which will take to the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC on 24 September.
This new Oakenfold track will be available via the in-game radio stations and play during the cut-scenes. Grammy award winning writer and producer Steve Thompson has also signed on as the game’s music director.
The Dead (will be) Rising later than expected
According to IGN, Capcom’s Dead Rising 2 has been delayed by almost a month. Originally set for a US and EU release of 31 August, the game will now ship on 28 September for the U.S. as well as Canada and 1 October for the EU on the Xbox 360, PS3 and PC.
“We determined as a collective group across all territories that this is a better release date for the title,” a Capcom representative said.
And the winner is…
The Best of E3 2010 award nominees have been revealed by Game Critics (for which 31 publications act as judges), with the winner announcements taking place on 6 July.
One of our games to watch for Q2, Rage, is up for Best Console Game and Best PC Game together with Civilization V, Crysis 2, Portal 2 and Star Wars: The Old Republic. It is also up for Best of Show against the Nintendo 3DS amongst others. God of War: Ghost of Sparta is up for Best Handheld Game, whilst Microsoft’s Kinect is up against the likes of Nintendo's 3DS and Sony’s Move for Best Hardware.
Nintendo to hold Wii sports tournament
Nintendo’s first ever Wii Games: Summer 2010 will kick off on 16 July 2010 in the US.
Gamers from all across the US will be able to compete against other Wii owners in their category, such as teen and adult as well as team up with their friends and family to compete in team sports.
The competition will feature five activities namely basketball in Wii Sports Resort, bowling in Wii Sports Resort, the Hula Hoop challenge in Wii Fit Plus, clearing a Coin Grab level in New Super Mario Bros and Wii Kart racing in Mario Kart Wii. After all the local rounds have finished the grand championship event will be taking place in Los Angeles between 3-5 September.
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