Gaming News Round-up - The Sudden Changes Edition
By Ryan Noik 21 September 2012 | Categories: news
BioWare drops some bombshells
Amid the startling news coming out of Bioware that its co-founders Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk would be retiring, the company also revealed that it was working on a new intellectual property as well as further Mass Effect content.
In response to some understandable concern from fans at the news, the general manager of BioWare Edmonton and Montreal, Aaron Flynn, reassured that “the studio is solid and the team is ready to embark on a whole new era of games.”
To this end, he pointed to the recent announcement of the next chapter of the Dragon Age franchise, titled Dragon Age 3: Inquisition, as well as merely hinting at a new title “set in a fictional universe, built from the bottom-up with all new gaming technology.”
Mass Effect players can further expect more multiplayer content as well as additional single-player stories coming down the pipeline in next six months, including Omega. Flynn continued that the Mass Effect universe was vast, and thus the studio had plans for another full game.
However, perhaps Flynn’s most reassuring comment came from this assurance that both co-founders had built BioWare to last, with the knowledge that their retirement would come one day.
“They developed a team of people who would ensure their standards and culture would endure. We’ll humbly carry that torch and continue learning in the process,” he pledged.
Amid the startling news coming out of Bioware that its co-founders Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk would be retiring, the company also revealed that it was working on a new intellectual property as well as further Mass Effect content.
In response to some understandable concern from fans at the news, the general manager of BioWare Edmonton and Montreal, Aaron Flynn, reassured that “the studio is solid and the team is ready to embark on a whole new era of games.”
To this end, he pointed to the recent announcement of the next chapter of the Dragon Age franchise, titled Dragon Age 3: Inquisition, as well as merely hinting at a new title “set in a fictional universe, built from the bottom-up with all new gaming technology.”
Mass Effect players can further expect more multiplayer content as well as additional single-player stories coming down the pipeline in next six months, including Omega. Flynn continued that the Mass Effect universe was vast, and thus the studio had plans for another full game.
However, perhaps Flynn’s most reassuring comment came from this assurance that both co-founders had built BioWare to last, with the knowledge that their retirement would come one day.
“They developed a team of people who would ensure their standards and culture would endure. We’ll humbly carry that torch and continue learning in the process,” he pledged.

Dante slices, dices, and impresses in new trailer
The more we see of the forthcoming Devil May Cry reboot coming from Ninja Theory, the more enthused we are about playing it when it arrives in January. The most recent news coming out of the Tokyo Game Show on the game involves a new, particularly meaty gameplay trailer, which shows a bit more of the world players can expect to encounter.
Additionally, the enemies that Dante is shown confronting are quite varied. However, most impressive are the set pieces, including a rather mind bending setup where up and down seem to lose their fixed positions, and another in which a building folds in on itself somewhat reminiscent of Inception.
Along with Dante’s trademark swords in action, the trailer further shows Dante’s Eryx gauntlets being wielded with devastating effect. Indeed, while we are still getting a bit of a Bayonetta meets God of War vibe from the forthcoming game, certain sequences (we will leave you to spot them for yourself) also reminded us a little of Darksiders.
The more we see of the forthcoming Devil May Cry reboot coming from Ninja Theory, the more enthused we are about playing it when it arrives in January. The most recent news coming out of the Tokyo Game Show on the game involves a new, particularly meaty gameplay trailer, which shows a bit more of the world players can expect to encounter.
Additionally, the enemies that Dante is shown confronting are quite varied. However, most impressive are the set pieces, including a rather mind bending setup where up and down seem to lose their fixed positions, and another in which a building folds in on itself somewhat reminiscent of Inception.
Along with Dante’s trademark swords in action, the trailer further shows Dante’s Eryx gauntlets being wielded with devastating effect. Indeed, while we are still getting a bit of a Bayonetta meets God of War vibe from the forthcoming game, certain sequences (we will leave you to spot them for yourself) also reminded us a little of Darksiders.
All of this, of course, is a very good thing, so these three titles still rank amongst our highly esteemed - and thoroughly enjoyed - games of recent years.
At present it seems like January is going to be a very good month for hack and slash and action game fans on the Xbox 360 and PS3. Hit the trailer below to see if Devil May Cry’s impending release is similarly lighting your fire.
At present it seems like January is going to be a very good month for hack and slash and action game fans on the Xbox 360 and PS3. Hit the trailer below to see if Devil May Cry’s impending release is similarly lighting your fire.
Soul Sacrifice delayed, new trailer tempts
Also coming out of the Tokyo Game Show is an equal measure of frustration and temptation, at least for PS Vita owners. Apparently, Soul Sacrifice for the Vita, which enables you to rip out your own spine and beat your enemies with it, (yes, really) has been delayed till 2013.
No doubt, when it does launch, jokes about being spineless will ensue.
However, adding a bit of longing to the mix is a new trailer for the forthcoming title, which actually looks fantastic. Hit the trailer below to see why this particular offering is sending shivers up our spines.
However, adding a bit of longing to the mix is a new trailer for the forthcoming title, which actually looks fantastic. Hit the trailer below to see why this particular offering is sending shivers up our spines.
Immortal comic characters to engage each other in mortal combat
Ever wonder who would come up tops if Batman decided to take on Superman or The Flash? Well, wonder no more as NetherRealm Studios, creators of the Mortal Kombat series, is developing a new fighting title dubbed Injustice: Gods Among Us. This game will feature a large roster of DC superheroes and villains, with battles taking place within arenas that includes Superman’s Fortress of Solitude and the Batcave.
Fighters will be classified as either super users or gadget users with each class able to employ their own unique abilities. Gadget-loving Batman can fire projectiles at nearby objects such as a car for instance to make it explode, whilst a superhero like Superman will simply hurl the car at his foe to turn him into a gadget-utilising pancake.
Injustice: Gods Among Us will be released next year for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and Nintendo Wii U. Catch a glimpse of the out of this world combat in the announcement trailer posted below.
New Dead Island: Riptide trailer released
Gamers craving their next zombie-blasting fix will be happy to hear that Deep Silver has released a CGI trailer for the next installment in the Dead Island franchise, entitled Dead Island: Riptide. This game will march mindlessly onto the PS3, Xbox 360, and Windows PC early in 2013.
Within Dead Island: Riptide furious monsoon rain storms have been battering the island of Palanai in the Banoi archipelago. This has resulted in numerous floods, but rescue efforts are not going very well mainly as a result of the raging zombie invasion that has also broken out on the island.
Gamers craving their next zombie-blasting fix will be happy to hear that Deep Silver has released a CGI trailer for the next installment in the Dead Island franchise, entitled Dead Island: Riptide. This game will march mindlessly onto the PS3, Xbox 360, and Windows PC early in 2013.
Within Dead Island: Riptide furious monsoon rain storms have been battering the island of Palanai in the Banoi archipelago. This has resulted in numerous floods, but rescue efforts are not going very well mainly as a result of the raging zombie invasion that has also broken out on the island.
The game’s theme of all hope having been seemingly lost for the surviving humans is excellently portrayed within the trailer posted below.
If you smell what THQ is cooking?
Now that the self-proclaimed most electrifying man in sports entertainment, The Rock, has made his return to the WWE TV show, he is also set to return to the virtual ring in the forthcoming WWE ‘13 (along with Mike “Earloving” Tyson). In the teaser trailer posted below, you will get to learn about Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson storyline within WWE '13’s newly added Attitude Era Mode.
Now that the self-proclaimed most electrifying man in sports entertainment, The Rock, has made his return to the WWE TV show, he is also set to return to the virtual ring in the forthcoming WWE ‘13 (along with Mike “Earloving” Tyson). In the teaser trailer posted below, you will get to learn about Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson storyline within WWE '13’s newly added Attitude Era Mode.
Contributions by Hanleigh Daniels
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