By 27 November 2009 | Categories: news


Garmin unveiled their impressive looking nüvi 1000 series of GPS devices yesterday. With four new devices covering a range of price points and features, the launch of the 1000 series represents a significant overhaul of Garmin’s offering. The company has revamped their interface, slimmed down their devices, built-in what they are calling sunlight-readable screens and are offering text-to-speech voice navigation for every turn.

The nüvi 1200 (R2300) with its 3.5” touch-screen is Garmin’s entry-level device. Garmin\'s nüvi 1300 (R2645) and 1310 (R3015) are the mid-range devices, featuring a wide 4.3” screen, while the nüvi 1410 (R4275) is their flagship device with a rather sizable 5” touch-screen and Bluetooth connectivity. All the devices come pre-loaded with SA Streetmaps.

The devices will be available from December 2009. 


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