Google announces Google Maps 5.3 for Android
By Hanleigh Daniels 5 April 2011 | Categories: news
Google has announced the availability of the latest version (5.3) of Google Maps for Android, with the new version allowing users to view their Google Location History dashboard on their mobile device, check in at “home,” and add their own feedback for places that they rate.
Location History dashboard
User that have enabled Location History for Google Latitude, are able to visualise useful trends in their location history via a personal dashboard on their PC. With this new version of Google Maps for Android, they will now be able to see their dashboard on their smartphone as well. They can do this by tapping “View location history” from within their Latitude profile.
This will provide them with access to handy statistical information including how far they have travelled, and estimates of how much time they are spending at home, work, or being out and about.

Check in at home
Like with other social networking sites including Foursquare, Google Maps customers are able to “check in” at places using Latitude to let their friends, family and colleagues know where they are. They can now also check into “home” in Latitude, to communicate the fact that they have arrived at home safely after a night out for example.
Add one’s own aspects for places
Users of Google Maps can rate points of interest by employing Google Places with Hotpot, with the ability to now add their own “aspects” for each rated place. This allows them to provide feedback such as the hiking trail has a gorgeous backdrop or this restaurant has a nice ambiance and fitting mood music.

Google Maps 5.3 for Android is available from the Android Market for devices running on Android 1.6 (aka Donut) and higher.
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